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Code Implementation of 6-DoF General Object Grasping for WalkerII Humanoid Robot with Multi-fingered hands

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Walker 6-DoF Grasping

This repository contains the implementation of 6-DoF General Object Grasping for WalkerII Humanoid Robot with Multi-fingered hands. The overview of our grasping framework is shown below:


The relevant publication is listed as follows:

  • Zhuo Li, Shiqi Li, Ke Han, Xiao Li, Youjun Xiong, and Zheng Xie. Planning Multi-fingered Grasps with Reachability Awareness in Unrestricted Workspace. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2022. [PDF ] [Video]

The next sections provide instructions for getting started with our work.


The following instructions were tested with python3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04. A ROS installation is only required for visualizations and interfacing hardware. Simulations and network training should work just fine without. The Real-world Robotic Grasping section describes the setup for real-robot grasping experiments in more details.

OpenMPI is optionally used to distribute the data generation over multiple cores/machines.

sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev

Clone the repository into the src folder of a catkin workspace.

git clone

Create and activate a new virtual environment.

cd /path/to/walker_6dof_grasping
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the Python dependencies within the activated virtual environment.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and source the catkin workspace,

catkin build walker_6dof_grasping
source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

gedit ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/walker_6dof_grasping/src"

Data Generation

Raw Data Generation

Generate raw synthetic grasping trials using the pybullet physics simulator.

python scripts/ data/raw/foo --sim-gui
  • python scripts/ -h prints a list with all the options.
  • mpirun -np <num-workers> python ... will run multiple simulations in parallel.

The script will create the following file structure within data/raw/foo:

  • grasps.csv contains the configuration, label, and associated scene for each grasp,
  • scenes/<scene_id>.npz contains the synthetic sensor data of each scene.

Raw Data Clean

python scripts/

The script is useful to clean and balance the generated grasp data.

Dataset Construction

python scripts/ data/raw/foo data/datasets/foo
  • The script will generate the voxel grids/grasp targets required to train GPN.
  • Samples of the dataset can be visualized with the script and gpn.rviz configuration. The script includes the option to apply a random affine transform to the input/target pair to check the data augmentation procedure.

Network Training

python scripts/ --dataset data/datasets/foo [--augment]

Training and validation metrics are logged to TensorBoard and can be accessed with

tensorboard --logdir data/runs

Simulated Grasping

Run simulated clutter removal experiments.

python scripts/ --model data/models/walker2_model/ --sim-gui --rviz

  • python scripts/ -h prints a complete list of optional arguments.
  • To visualize the predicted grasps, you need to run the following code:
cd /path/to/walker_6dof_grasping/config/
rviz -d sim.rviz
  • Use the clutter_removal.ipynb notebook to compute metrics and visualize failure cases of an experiment.

Real-world Robotic Grasping

This section contains the implementation of our method on physical WalkerII humanoid service robot.






Start the Robot

First, you need to start the WalkerII robot with the following conmands:

  • launch walker_control
ssh walker2@
sudo -s
roslaunch walker_control walker_control.launch 
  • launch whole_body_control
ssh walker2@
sudo -s
cd ~/run
  • launch service
rosservice call /walker/controller/enable "data: true"
  • launch legs
ssh walker2@
sudo -s
roslaunch leg_motion walker2_leg.launch

Hand-eye Calibration

Next, Using easy_handeye package to perform the hand-eye calibration (Note that you can use other hand-eye calibration methods, as long as you get the correct transformation relationship between the robot hand coordinate and the camera coordinate):

  • Attach the Aruco Marker to the palm of the robot hand.
  • Launch the camera
cd path/to/realsense_ros
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs2_camera.launch
  • Launch easy_handeye
cd path/to/easy_handeye
roslaunch easy_handeye walker_aruco_calib_realsense.launch
  • Sampling around 20 group of poses and recording the trasnformation matrix

Grasp Prediction

  • Launch the camera
cd path/to/realsense_ros
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs2_camera.launch
  • Predicting Feasible Grasps
cd path/to/walker_6dof_grasping
source .venv/bin/activate
python scripts/ --model data/models/walker2_model/ 
  • Visualizing Prediction Results
cd path/to/walker_6dof_grasping/config
rviz -d sim.rviz 

Grasp Execution

  • IK Solving and Reachable Grasps Publishing
cd path/to/walker_kinematics_solver
rosrun grasp_pose_ik_solver
  • Grasp Execution
cd path/to/walker_kinematics_solver
rosrun walker_grasp

Remember to set the motion_segment flag as true when you first run the walker_grasp.cpp

line 548 bool motion_segment0 = true;


Code Implementation of 6-DoF General Object Grasping for WalkerII Humanoid Robot with Multi-fingered hands






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