Create a simple bike sharing data dashboard
Hi, thanks for your interest in our Front End Engineering position. As part of the interview process we'd like you to build a simple dashboard with Indego bike sharing data.
- Fork this repo to your personal GitHub profile
- Clone this repo to your computer
- Visit Indego's ride sharing data site and download one of the datasets OR Use the sample data set provided in the data directory.
- Use front end web technologies to build a chart and answer a question about the data
- Add to the bottom of this README file details what needs to be done to view your project locally
- Make a pull request for us to review your code
- Display a visual chart displaying the data or an aggregation of the data
- Display a subset of the raw data in a table
- Have 2 or more ways you can interact with the data (ie. hover, click, etc.)
- Be viewable in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox
- Display a question about the data that your chart tries to answer
- Use any javascript libraries or frameworks you want
- Write some or all of your own html/css
- Use other languages that compile to javascript (Typescript, Coffeescript, Clojurescript, etc.)
- Use other languages that compile to css (LESS, Sass, etc.)
- Meeting the project requirements listed above
- Code quality
- Style and creativity
Feel free to reach out to us for clarifications.
Thanks and good luck!