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为嵌入式芯片(ESP32, ESP8266, 等...)设计的轻量级通用树数据结构容器。 A lightweight, general-purpose tree-structure container designed for embedded chips (ESP32, ESP8266, etc.).

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Tree Structure Container Documentation


协议 - License

@file tree.hpp @date 26.02.2023 @author RMSHE

< GasSensorOS > Copyrght(C) 2023 RMSHE. All rights reserved.

This program is free software : you can redistribute it and /or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

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概述 - Overview

这是一个轻量级的通用树数据结构容器, 源代码见tree.hpp文件. 该模块是 GasSensorOS 的组件之一, 最初是为了 GS_Code 代码解释器而开发的.


This is a lightweight, general-purpose tree data structure container, with the source code available in the tree.hpp file. This module is one of the components of GasSensorOS and was originally developed for the GS_Code code interpreter.


This class implements a general tree data structure, including basic operations such as adding, deleting, searching, and traversing nodes. The tree data structure consists of two classes: TreeNode and Tree.

TreeNode represents a tree node, including node data, a list of child nodes, and parent node properties. Tree represents the entire tree structure, including root nodes and operations such as tree traversal, node searching, and node deletion.

TreeNode Class

The TreeNode class contains methods for adding, searching, and deleting child nodes. Adding child nodes uses the smart pointer std::unique_ptr from C++11, ensuring safe memory management of child nodes. Searching for child nodes uses a recursive method, traversing the entire subtree in a depth-first manner. Deleting child nodes uses an iterative method, traversing the entire subtree for deletion operations.

Tree Class

The Tree class contains methods for tree traversal, node searching, and node deletion. Traversal operations are divided into two methods: depth-first traversal and breadth-first traversal. Node searching uses a recursive method, searching the entire subtree downwards from the root node. Node deletion uses a recursive method to delete the entire subtree.


This tree data structure provides basic tree operations that can meet some basic needs. However, it should be noted that this tree data structure does not perform any balancing operations, so there may be efficiency issues for larger trees.

To use this container, simply include the tree.hpp file in your project and instantiate the Tree class. You can then use the provided methods to add, delete, search, and traverse nodes in the tree data structure.


Overall, this tree data structure provides a simple and efficient way to manage tree data structures in C++. It is a useful tool for those working with large sets of data that need to be organized in a tree structure.

TreeNode 类 - TreeNode class

成员 - Members

构造函数 - Constructors

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
TreeNode 构造节点. 该节点拥有值data和指向其父节点的指针parent_node_ptr这两个可构造的属性.
Constructing a node. The node has two constructible attributes, the value data and a pointer to its parent node parent_node_ptr.

变量 - Variables

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
node_data 储存这个节点的值.
Store the value of this node.
children 储存指向这个节点的子节点的指针.
Stores a pointer to the child node of this node.
parent 储存指向这个节点的父节点的指针.
Store a pointer to the parent of this node.

方法 - Functions

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
addChild 向当前节点添加一个子节点.
Add a child node to the current node.
findChild 在当前节点的子节点中查找节点.
Find a node among the children of the current node.
findDescendant 在当前节点的后裔中查找节点.
Find a node among the descendants of the current node.
hasChildren 判断在当前节点的指定子节点是否有孩子.
Determine if a child of the current node has children.
deleteChild 删除父节点的一个无孩子节点(删除树叶节点).
Delete a childless node of the parent node (delete a leaf node).

Tree 类 - Tree class

成员 - Members

构造函数 - Constructors

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
Tree 构造一个树, 创建树的第一个节点(根节点).
Construct a tree, creating the first node (root) of the tree.

变量 - Variables

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
root 储存树的根节点.
The root node of the storage tree.
current_node_ptr 储存最后一次添加节点后的指针位置(初始化时设为根节点指针).
Store the position of the pointer after the last node was added (set to the root node pointer at initialization)

方法 - Functions

名称 - Name 说明 - Description
addNode 向节点添加子节点, 并将指向新增节点的指针保存到类成员变量 current_node_ptr 中.
Add a child node to the node, and save the pointer to the new node in the class member variable current_node_ptr.
traversalDFS 以深度优先的方式遍历树.
Traverses the tree in a depth-first style.
traversalBFS 以广度优先的方式遍历树.
Traversing the tree in a breadth-first style.
findNode 在树中查找节点.
Find nodes in the tree.
hasChildren 判断指定节点是否有孩子.
Determine if the specified node has children.
getDepth 递归地计算树的深度(高度)(默认统计整颗树的深度).
Recursively calculates the depth (height) of the tree (by default the depth of the whole tree is counted).
getDegree 获取节点的度(对于一个给定的节点,其子节点的数量称为度. 一个叶子的度数一定是零)
Get the degree of a node (for a given node, the number of its children is called the degree. The degree of a leaf must be zero)
get_degree_of_tree 获取树的度(树的度是指树中一个节点的最大度)
Get the degree of the tree (the degree of the tree is the maximum degree of a node in the tree).
getBreadth 获取树或树枝的叶子数量(叶子即没有子节点的节点,也称做终端节点)
Get the number of leaves of the tree or branch (leaves are nodes without children, also known as terminal nodes).
getWidth 获取树的宽度或指定节点所在层的宽度(宽度指一个层的节点数)
Get the width of the tree or the width of the specified node's layer (width refers to the number of nodes in a layer).
getLevel 获取指定节点的层级(一个节点的层级是它与根节点之间唯一路径上的边的数量, 根节点层级为零).
Get the layer of the specified node (the layer of a node is the number of edges on the unique path between it and the root node, the root node layer is zero).
getSize 获取树或树枝的大小(节点总数).
Get the size of a tree or branch.
empty 判断树是否为空.
Determine if the tree is empty
deleteNode 递归删除一个节点及其后裔.
Recursively delete a node and its descendants.
deleteTree 删除一颗树.
Delete a tree.


Adds a child node to a node.

TreeNode<T>* parent_node_ptr->TreeNode<T>* addChild(const T& data);

参数 - Parameters


指向父节点的指针, 我们需要为新加节点指定一个父节点.
A pointer to the parent node, we need to specify a parent for the newly added node.


表示节点的值, 即节点储存的内容. 其数据类型等于实例化树容器时的数据类型(可以是C++STL中的任意数据类型).
Represents the value of a node, i.e. the content stored in the node. Its data type is equal to the data type of the tree container when it is instantiated (it can be any data type in C++STL).

返回值 - Return value

Returns a pointer to the newly added child node.

注解 - Remarks

当调用 addChild() 方法时,它将创建一个新的 TreeNode 对象,该对象保存传递给函数的数据,并将指向新创建节点的指针添加到当前节点的 children 向量中。也就是说,addChild() 添加的是一个新的子节点。

When the addChild() method is called, it creates a new TreeNode object, which holds the data passed to the function and adds a pointer to the newly created node to the children vector of the current node. Anyway, addChild() adds a new child node.

示例 - Example

例1 - Example 1


The following code demonstrates how to add a child node directly to the root node.

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 向根节点添加一个值为"node_1"的子节点.
    // Add a child node with the value "node_1" to the root node.

例2 - Example 2


The following code demonstrates how to add a child node in the tree by found the node.

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 查找并获取指向值为"ROOT"的节点(根节点)的指针.
    // Find and get a pointer to the node with the value "ROOT" (root node).
    auto* root_ptr = tree.findNode("ROOT");
    // 向根节点添加一个值为"node_1"的子节点.
    // Add a child node with the value "node_1" to the root node.
    // 查找并获取指向值为"node_1"的节点的指针, 然后向该节点添加一个值为"node_1_1"的子节点.
    // Find and get a pointer to the node with the value "node_1", then add a child node with the value "node_1_1" to that node.

例3 - Example 3


The following code demonstrates how to use the return value of addChild.

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 向根节点添加一个值为"node_1"子节点. 我们将 addChild 返回的指针赋值给 node_1_ptr, 这个指针即指向 node_1 的指针.
    // Add a child node with the value "node_1" to the root node. We assign the pointer returned by addChild to node_1_ptr, this pointer is the pointer to node_1.
    auto* node_1_ptr = tree.root->addChild("node_1");
    // 打印 "node_1" 节点的值.



Find a node among the children of the current node.

TreeNode<T>* parent_node_ptr->TreeNode<T>* findChild(const T& target_child_data);

参数 - Parameters


指向父节点的指针, 表示查找该父节点的孩子.
A pointer to the parent node, which means to find the child of the parent node.


Indicates the value of the node to be find.

返回值 - Return value

返回指向查找到的节点的指针,如果未找到则返回 nullptr.
Returns a pointer to the found node, or nullptr if it is not found.

注解 - Remarks

通过用户提供的parent_node_ptr指针, 该函数会遍历该指针指向节点的children并且访问每个孩子的node_data与用户提供的target_child_data进行比较, 如果它们相等则返回指向查找到的节点的指针.

With the user-supplied parent_node_ptr pointer, the function iterates through the children of the node pointed to by the pointer and accesses the node_data of each child to compare with the user-supplied target_child_data, returning a pointer to the found node if they are same.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 在根节点的孩子中查找并获取指向值为"node_1"的节点的指针.
    // Find and get a pointer to the node with the value "node_1" among the children of the root node.
    auto* node_1_ptr = tree.root->findChild("node_1");
    // 向 node_1 节点添加一个值为"node_1_1"的子节点.
    // Add a child node with value "node_1_1" to the node_1 node.
    // 在 node_1 节点的孩子中查找并获取指向值为"node_1_1"的节点的指针, 然后向该节点添加一个值为"node_1_1_1"的子节点.
    // Find and get a pointer to the node with the value "node_1_1" among the children of node_1, and add a child node with the value "node_1_1_1" to that node.


Find a node among the descendants of the current node.

TreeNode<T>* parent_node_ptr->TreeNode<T>* findDescendant(const T& target_node_data);

参数 - Parameters


指向父节点的指针, 表示查找该父节点的后裔.
A pointer to the parent node, indicating to find the descendants of the parent node.


Indicates the value of the node to be find.

返回值 - Return value

返回指向查找到的节点的指针,如果未找到则返回 nullptr.
Returns a pointer to the found node, or nullptr if it is not found.

注解 - Remarks

这是一个在树结构中查找指定节点的方法,方法使用深度优先遍历,递归地在当前节点的子节点中查找指定数据,直到找到该数据或者遍历完整棵树。如果找到指定数据的节点,则返回该节点的指针;如果未找到,则返回 nullptr. (findDescendantfindChild的不同之处在于: findChild的查找范围为父节点的所有孩子, 而findDescendant的查找范围为父节点之后的所有节点.)

This is a method to find a specified node in a tree structure. The method uses a depth-first traversal to recursively find the specified data in the children of the current node until the data is found or the entire tree is traversed. If the node with the specified data is found, it returns a pointer to that node; if not, it returns nullptr. (The difference between findDescendant and findChild is that findChild looks for all children of the parent node, while findDescendant looks for all nodes after the parent node.)

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 在根节点的后裔中查找并获取指向值为"node_1_1_1"的节点的指针.
    // Find and get a pointer to the node with the value "node_1_1_1" among the descendants of the root node.
    auto* node_1_1_1_ptr = tree.root->findDescendant("node_1_1_1");


Determine if a child of the current node has children.

TreeNode<T>* node_ptr->bool hasChildren();

参数 - Parameters


Pointer to the node to be judged.

返回值 - Return value

如果存在子节点返回true, 否则返回false.
Returns true if a child node exists, otherwise returns false.

注解 - Remarks

每个节点的子节点是以这种方式储存的: std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TreeNode<T>>> children;(即储存的是指向这个节点的子节点的指针). 本方法只需判断 children向量是否为空即可. 如果 node_ptr->children 不为空,则表示这个节点有孩子.

The children of each node are stored in this way: std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TreeNode<T>>> children; (i.e. a pointer to the children of this node is stored). This method simply determines if the children vector is empty. If node_ptr->children is not empty, then the node has children.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    auto* node_1_ptr = tree.root->addChild("node_1");
    // 判断根节点是否有孩子.
    // Determine if the root node has children.
    Serial.print("ROOT: ");
    Serial.println(tree.root->hasChildren() ? "With children" : "No children");
    // 判断 node_1_ptr 是否有孩子.
    // Determine if the node_1_ptr node has children.
    Serial.print("node_1: ");
    Serial.println(node_1_ptr->hasChildren() ? "With children" : "No children");

ROOT: With children
node_1: No children


Delete a childless node of the parent node (delete a leaf node).

TreeNode<T>* parent_node_ptr->bool deleteChild(const T& target_child_data);

参数 - Parameters


指向父节点的指针, 表示我们删除这个父节点的一个孩子.
A pointer to a parent node means we delete a child of that parent node.


Here you need to provide the value of the target child node to be deleted.

返回值 - Return value

Returns true for successful deletion, otherwise returns false.

注解 - Remarks

这个函数首先通过调用 findChild() 函数查找要删除的子节点。如果找不到这个子节点,或者这个子节点有其他子节点,那么删除操作会失败,函数会返回 false。如果找到了要删除的子节点,并且它没有其他子节点,那么函数会遍历当前节点的所有子节点,找到要删除的子节点并删除它。在删除节点时,由于使用了 std::unique_ptr 来管理子节点,所以父节点可以在内存管理方面自动处理子节点的内存释放,不需要手动释放。最后,如果删除成功,函数会返回 true。

需要注意的是,这个函数只支持删除没有子节点的节点,即树枝的末端(树叶)。如果要删除整棵树或部分树枝,请使用 deleteNode() 函数。

This function first uses the findChild() function to search for the child node to be deleted. If the child node is not found, or if it has other child nodes, the delete operation will fail and the function will return false. If the child node to be deleted is found and it does not have any other child nodes, the function will traverse all of the current node's child nodes, find the one to be deleted, and remove it. When deleting the node, because std::unique_ptr is used to manage the child node, the parent node can automatically handle the memory release of the child node without the need for manual release. Finally, if the deletion is successful, the function will return true.

It should be noted that this function only supports deleting nodes without child nodes, i.e. the end of the branch (leaf) of the tree. If you want to delete the entire tree or part of the branch, please use the deleteNode() function.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    auto* node_1_ptr = tree.root->findChild("node_1");
    // 删除 node_1 的子节点 node_1_1.
    // Delete the child node node_1_1 of node_1.

Tree构造函数 - Tree constructor

构造一个树, 创建树的第一个节点(根节点).
Construct a tree, creating the first node (root) of the tree.

Tree(const T& data) : root(make_unique<TreeNode<T>>(data)) {}

参数 - Parameters


Indicates the value of the root node.

返回值 - Return value


注解 - Remarks

构造函数采用了成员初始化列表的方式来初始化成员变量。其中,root 是一个 std::unique_ptr 类型的智能指针,用于管理根节点。make_unique<TreeNode<T>>(data) 是一个 C++11 引入的标准函数,用于在堆上创建一个新的节点,并返回一个 std::unique_ptr 智能指针,该智能指针会自动管理这个新节点的内存。函数的参数 data 表示根节点的数据。

因此,这段代码的作用是在堆上创建一个新的树根节点,并用 std::unique_ptr 智能指针来管理这个节点的内存。同时,将参数 data 的值传递给新节点的构造函数,用来初始化根节点的数据。

The constructor uses member initialization list to initialize its member variables. root is a smart pointer of type std::unique_ptr, used to manage the root node of the binary tree. make_unique<TreeNode<T>>(data) is a standard function introduced in C++11, which creates a new node on the heap and returns a std::unique_ptr smart pointer that automatically manages the memory of the new node. The parameter data represents the data of the root node.

Therefore, this code creates a new tree root node on the heap, and uses std::unique_ptr smart pointer to manage the memory of this node. At the same time, it passes the value of the parameter data to the constructor of the new node to initialize the data of the root node.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
    // 构造一个树, 创建树的第一个节点(根节点). 
    // Construct a tree, creating the first node (root) of the tree.
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");


向节点添加子节点, 并将指向新增节点的指针保存到类成员变量 current_node_ptr 中.
Add a child node to the node, and save the pointer to the new node in the class member variable current_node_ptr.

 TreeNode<T>* addNode(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr, const T& data);

参数 - Parameters


Indicates that a child node is added under this node.


表示节点的值, 即节点储存的内容. 其数据类型等于实例化树容器时的数据类型(可以是C++STL中的任意数据类型).
Represents the value of a node, i.e. the content stored in the node. Its data type is equal to the data type of the tree container when it is instantiated (it can be any data type in C++STL).

返回值 - Return value

Returns a pointer to the newly added child node.

注解 - Remarks

当调用 addNode() 函数时,它将创建一个新的 TreeNode 对象,该对象保存传递给函数的数据,并将指向新创建节点的指针添加到当前节点的 children 向量中。也就是说,addNode() 添加的是一个新的子节点。addNodeaddChild 不同, addNodeTree class 的成员, 而 addChildTreeNode class 的成员, addNode 将父节点指针作为参数传递. 该函数还会将指向新增节点的指针保存到类成员变量 current_node_ptr 中, 以便用户更清楚当前树的编辑位置.

When the addNode() function is called, it creates a new TreeNode object, which holds the data passed to the function and adds a pointer to the newly created node to the children vector of the current node. In other words, addNode() adds a new child node. Unlike addNode, which is a member of the Tree class, and addChild, which is a member of the TreeNode class, addNode passes the parent node pointer as an argument. This function also saves a pointer to the new node in the class member variable current_node_ptr, so that the user is more aware of the current edit position of the tree.

示例 - Example

例1 - Example 1

该例子演示了如何使用 addNode(); 函数添加一个节点.
This example demonstrates how to add a node using the addNode(); function.

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 向根节点添加一个值为"node_1"的子节点.
    // Add a child node with the value "node_1" to the root node.
    tree.addNode(tree.root, "node_1");

例2 - Example 2

This example shows how to take advantage of the fact that addNode() updates the pointer to the new node in current_node_ptr after it is added.

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 这里利用了 tree 类成员变量 current_node_ptr 的初始值为指向根节点的指针, 然后向根节点添加一个值为"node_1"的子节点.
    // The initial value of the tree class member variable current_node_ptr is a pointer to the root node, and a child node with the value "node_1" is added to the root node.
    tree.addNode(tree.current_node_ptr, "node_1");
    // 上一次 addNode() 的调用时, 在向根节点添加子节点后, 函数就将指向新增节点的指针保存到类成员变量 current_node_ptr 中, 此时 current_node_ptr 为指向 node_1 都指针, 于是这条语句是在向 node_1 添加一个值为"node_1_1"的子节点.
    // In the last addNode() call, after adding a child node to the root node, the function saves a pointer to the new node in the class member variable current_node_ptr, which is a pointer to node_1, so this statement is adding a child node to node_1 with the value "node_1_1". to node_1.
    tree.addNode(tree.current_node_ptr, "node_1_1");


Traverses the tree in a depth-first style.

std::vector<std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>> traversalDFS(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer, the function will use this node as the root node to recursively traverse all its descendant nodes (if no parameter is passed, the entire tree will be traversed by default).

返回值 - Return value

返回一个向量, 其中包含从指定节点开始子树的所有值和对应的指针.
Returns a vector containing all values and corresponding pointers for the subtree starting from the specified node.

std::vector<std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>> returnValue = traversalDFS();

// 使用迭代器遍历树中每个节点的值和指针.
// Iterate over the values and pointers of each node in the tree using iterators.
for (auto& data : tree_data) {
    data.first;		// node_value;
    data.second;	// node_ptr;

注解 - Remarks



This code defines a function called traversalDFS that traverses a tree in a depth-first manner. It can traverse the entire tree or recursively traverse all its child nodes starting from a specified node, and returns a vector containing the data values and corresponding pointers of all traversed nodes. The implementation involves recursively traversing each child node of the current node and inserting the subtree data of the child node into the vector containing the current node. The function first checks if the input node pointer is null, and if so, it defaults to traversing the entire tree. Finally, it returns a vector containing the data of all nodes.

The depth-first traversal algorithm is recursive, it first visits the root node and then recursively traverses each subtree. After visiting each node, the recursive function backtracks to its parent node to continue traversing other subtrees.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 以深度优先的方式遍历整颗树. 
    // Traverse the entire tree in a depth-first style. 
    auto tree_data = tree.traversalDFS();
    // 使用迭代器遍历并打印树中每个节点的值.
    // Use an iterator to traverse and print the value of each node in the tree.
    for (auto& data : tree_data) Serial.println(data.first.c_str());
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1



Traversing the tree in a breadth-first style.

 std::vector<std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>> traversalBFS(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer, the function will use this node as the root node to recursively traverse all its descendant nodes (if no parameter is passed, the entire tree will be traversed by default).

返回值 - Return value

返回一个向量, 其中包含从指定节点开始子树的所有值和对应的指针.
Returns a vector containing all values and corresponding pointers for the subtree starting from the specified node.

std::vector<std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>> returnValue = traversalBFS();

// 使用迭代器遍历树中每个节点的值和指针.
// Iterate over the values and pointers of each node in the tree using iterators.
for (auto& data : tree_data) {
    data.first;		// node_value;
    data.second;	// node_ptr;

注解 - Remarks

这个方法定义了一个广度优先搜索遍历树的函数 traversalBFS,它的输入参数是指向树节点的指针 node_ptr,默认为空,表示从根节点开始遍历。函数返回一个向量,向量中包含每个节点及其子节点的数据(类型为 std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>,其中 T 是节点存储的数据类型)。遍历是通过维护一个队列来完成的,从队列中取出一个节点,将其所有子节点插入队列中,并将该节点的数据及指针插入向量中,直到队列为空。如果输入的节点为空,则返回一个空向量。


This method defines a function traversalBFS that performs a breadth-first search traversal of a tree. Its input parameter is a pointer node_ptr that points to a tree node and defaults to nullptr, indicating that the traversal should start from the root node. The function returns a vector that contains the data of each node and its child nodes (of type std::pair<T, TreeNode<T>*>, where T is the data type stored in the node). The traversal is accomplished by maintaining a queue, extracting a node from the queue, inserting all its child nodes into the queue, and inserting the node's data and pointer into the vector until the queue is empty. If the input node is empty, an empty vector is returned.

The breadth-first traversal algorithm traverses a tree layer by layer, starting from the root node. It first visits the root node, then visits its child nodes from left to right, and then visits all nodes in the next layer in sequence.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");


    // 以广度优先的方式遍历整颗树.
    // Traverse the entire tree in a breadth-first style.
    auto tree_data = tree.traversalBFS();

    for (auto& data : tree_data) Serial.println(data.first.c_str());
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1



Find nodes in the tree.

TreeNode<T>* findNode(const T& target_node_data);

参数 - Parameters


要查找的节点的值. (本方法会在树中查找该值, 如果找到就返回指向拥有该值的节点的指针).
The value of the node to look for. (This method looks for the value in the tree and returns a pointer to the node that has the value if it is found).

返回值 - Return value

返回指向查找到的节点的指针,如果未找到则返回 nullptr.
Returns a pointer to the found node, or nullptr if it is not found.

注解 - Remarks

本方法定义了一个查找目标节点的函数 findNode,它的输入参数是目标节点的值 target_node_data,返回类型是指向节点的指针 TreeNode<T>*。在函数中,首先调用根节点的 findDescendant 函数在根节点的子节点中查找目标节点,如果查找成功,则直接返回该节点的指针。如果查找失败,则通过比较根节点的数据和目标节点的数据来判断是否为根节点,如果是,则返回根节点的指针,否则返回空指针。


This method defines a function findNode to search for a target node in a tree. The input parameter of this function is the value of the target node target_node_data, and the return type is a pointer to the node TreeNode<T>*. In the function, it first calls the findDescendant function of the root node to search for the target node in the children of the root node. If the search is successful, it directly returns the pointer to that node. If the search fails, it determines whether it is the root node by comparing the data of the root node and the data of the target node. If it is, it returns the pointer to the root node. Otherwise, it returns a null pointer.

The implementation of this function is based on the assumption that only one node in the search range (excluding the root node) has the target data. If there are multiple nodes with the target data in the search range, the function will only return the pointer to one of them, not all of them.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 在树中查找值为"node_1_1"的节点.
    // Find the node with the value "node_1_1" in the tree.
    auto node_1_1_ptr = tree.findNode("node_1_1");


Determine if the specified node has children.

bool hasChildren(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer and this method will determine if the node has children.

返回值 - Return value

如果存在子节点返回true, 否则返回false.
Returns true if a child node exists, otherwise returns false.

注解 - Remarks

通过直接判断node_ptr指向的节点的children向量是否为空来确定是否存在孩子, 如果 node_ptr->children 不为空则表示这个节点有孩子.
Determine if there are children by directly determining if the children vector of the node pointed to by node_ptr is empty, if node_ptr->children is not empty then the node has children.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    auto node_1_ptr = tree.root->addChild("node_1");
    auto node_1_1_ptr = node_1_ptr->addChild("node_1_1");
    // 判断 node_1 节点是否有孩子;
    // Determine if node_1 has children;
    bool hasChildren_node_1 = tree.hasChildren(node_1_ptr);
    // 判断 node_1_1 节点是否有孩子;
    // Determine if node_1_1 has children;
    bool hasChildren_node_1_1 = tree.hasChildren(node_1_1_ptr);
|  |--node_1_1

true	// node_1 节点有孩子; node_1 has children;
false	// node_1_1 节点没有孩子; node_1_1 no children;


Recursively calculates the depth (height) of the tree (by default the depth of the whole tree is counted).

uint32_t getDepth(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a pointer to the node from which the depth of the branch is counted, or if set to root, the depth of the whole tree (this is also the default setting when no parameters are passed).

返回值 - Return value

Returns the depth of the specified tree branch.

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this code is to calculate the depth of a tree and return the maximum depth of the subtree rooted at a given node. If no node pointer is passed, the function defaults to calculating the depth of the tree rooted at the root node. The function first checks if the passed node is a leaf node, and if so, returns 1 as the height. Otherwise, for each child node of the current node, it recursively calculates the height of its subtree and finds the maximum height. Finally, it returns the maximum height plus 1, which is the height of the entire tree. The implementation of the function uses the std::max function from the C++ standard library to compare two numbers and return the larger one.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取整颗树的深度.
    // Get the depth of the whole tree.
    uint32_t root_depth = tree.getDepth();
    // 获取以 node_2 为根节点的树枝的深度.
    // Get the depth of the tree branch with node_2 as the root node.
    uint32_t node_2_depth = tree.getDepth(tree.findNode("node_2"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

4	// 整颗树的深度; The depth of the whole tree;
2	// 以 node_2 为根节点的树枝的深度; The depth of the tree branch with node_2 as the root node;


获取节点的度(对于一个给定的节点,其子节点的数量称为度. 一个叶子的度数一定是零)
Get the degree of a node (for a given node, the number of its children is called the degree. The degree of a leaf must be zero)

uint32_t getDegree(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer, this method will get the degree of the node (default get the degree of the root node when no parameters are passed).

返回值 - Return value

Returns the degree of the target node.

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this code is to calculate the degree of a node of a tree, i.e., to return the number of children in the subtree with that node as the root. If no node pointer is passed in, the degree of the node is calculated by default with the root node as the argument. The function directly returns the number of children of the target node.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取根节点的度.
    // Get the degree of the root node.
    uint32_t root_degree = tree.getDegree();
    // 获取 node_2 的度.
    // Get the degree of node_2.
    uint32_t node_2_degree = tree.getDegree(tree.findNode("node_2"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

2	// 根节点的度; The degree of the root node;
1	// node_2 的度; The degree of node_2;


获取树的度(树的度是指树中一个节点的最大度, 即树中某个拥有最多子节点的父节点的子节点数)
Get the degree of the tree (the degree of the tree is the maximum degree of a node in the tree, i.e., the number of children of a parent node that has the most children in the tree).

uint32_t get_degree_of_tree();

返回值 - Return value

Returns the degree of the tree.

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this method is to calculate the degrees of all nodes in a tree and return the maximum degree. The function uses depth-first traversal to traverse all the nodes of the tree and get the number of child nodes for each node. During the traversal process, the current maximum degree is recorded, and finally the maximum value of the degrees of all nodes in the tree is returned.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取树的度.
    // Get the degree of the tree.
    uint32_t tree_degree = tree.get_degree_of_tree();
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

2	// 整颗树中根节点拥有最多的子节点, 因此树的度等于根节点的度; The root node has the most children in the whole tree, so the degree of the tree is equal to the degree of the root node.;


Get the number of leaves of the tree or branch (leaves are nodes without children, also known as terminal nodes).

uint32_t getBreadth(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer, this method will get the number of leaves of the tree branch with this node as the root node (the default is to get the number of leaves of the whole tree when no parameters are passed).

返回值 - Return value

Returns the number of leaves of a tree or a specified branch.

注解 - Remarks

The function is used to calculate the number of leaf nodes in the subtree rooted at a given node. If no node pointer is passed, the number of leaf nodes under the root node is calculated by default. The function first initializes the number of leaf nodes to 0, and then performs a depth-first traversal of the subtree. During the traversal, if the current node being visited has no children, the number of leaves is incremented. Finally, the function returns the number of leaf nodes in the subtree.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取整颗树的叶子数量;
    // Get the number of leaves of the whole tree.
    uint32_t tree_breadth = tree.getBreadth();
    // 获取 node_1 节点的叶子数量;
    // Get the number of leaves of node_1.
    uint32_t node_1_breadth = tree.getBreadth(tree.findNode("node_1"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

2	// tree_breadth;
1	// node_1_breadth;


Get the width of the tree or the width of the specified node's layer (width refers to the number of nodes in a layer).

uint32_t getWidth(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer to get the width of the layer in which the node is located, and by default get the width of the whole tree (the layer with the maximum width) when no parameters are passed.

返回值 - Return value

Returns the width of the tree with no arguments and the width of the target node's layer with arguments.

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this function is to calculate the width of a subtree rooted at a specific node. If no node pointer is passed in, the function will default to calculating the width of the subtree rooted at the root node. The function first traverses every node using breadth-first search and records the number of nodes at each level while finding the level with the maximum width. Finally, if the passed-in pointer is the root node pointer or a null pointer, it returns the width of the entire tree; otherwise, it returns the number of nodes at the level where the passed-in node resides.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取整颗树的宽度;
    // Get the width of the whole tree.
    uint32_t tree_width = tree.getWidth();
    // 获取 node_1 节点的宽度;
    // Get the width of the node_1 node.
    uint32_t node_1_width = tree.getWidth(tree.findNode("node_1"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

2	// tree_width;
1	// node_1_width;


获取指定节点的层级(一个节点的层级是它与根节点之间唯一路径上的边的数量, 根节点层级为零).
Get the layer of the specified node (the layer of a node is the number of edges on the unique path between it and the root node, the root node layer is zero).

int32_t getLevel(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer indicating the level at which to get the node.

返回值 - Return value

返回指定节点的所在层级数, 如果提供的节点指针为空指针则返回-1.
Returns the number of levels of the specified node, or -1 if the supplied node pointer is a null pointer.

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this function is to calculate the level of a given node in a tree. The function first checks if the given node pointer is null, and if so, it returns -1. Then, it uses a loop to traverse up the tree from the given node to its parent node at each iteration and increment the node's level by 1. The loop continues until the root node is reached, which has no parent. Finally, the function returns the level of the node.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取 node_2 的层级.
    // Get the level of node_2.
    int32_t node_2_level = tree.getLevel(tree.findNode("node_2"));
    // 获取 node_1_1_1 的层级.
    // Get the level of node_1_1_1.
    int32_t node_1_1_1_level = tree.getLevel(tree.findNode("node_1_1_1"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

1	// node_2_level;
3	// node_1_1_1_level;


Get the size of a tree or branch.

uint32_t getSize(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr = nullptr)

参数 - Parameters


Provide a node pointer to get the total number of nodes in the branch starting from this node, or get the total number of nodes in the whole tree by default if no parameters are passed.

返回值 - Return value

Returns the total number of nodes in the tree or the specified branch.(including the root node)

注解 - Remarks

The function aims to calculate the total number of nodes in the subtree rooted at a given node. If no node pointer is passed, it defaults to calculating the size of the subtree rooted at the root node. The function first checks if the given node pointer is null, and if so, sets it to the root node. Then it performs a depth-first traversal of the subtree rooted at that node, and finally returns the number of nodes obtained during the traversal.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    // 获取整颗数就节点总数;
    // Get the whole number of nodes.
    uint32_t root_Branch_size = tree.getSize();
	// 获取以 node_1 节点五根节点的树枝的节点总数;
    // Get the total number of nodes in the tree branch with five nodes at node_1.
    uint32_t node_1_Branch_size = tree.getSize(tree.findNode("node_1"));
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

6	// root_Branch_size;
3	// node_1_Branch_size;


Determine if the tree is empty

 bool empty();

返回值 - Return value

如果树为空,返回 true, 否则返回 false.
If the tree is empty, return true, otherwise return false.

注解 - Remarks

该函数的作用是判断树是否为空。如果根节点指针为空,则返回 true,否则返回 false
This function is used to determine if the tree is empty. If the root pointer is empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 判断树是否为空;
    // Determine if the tree is empty.
    bool is_empty_1 = tree.empty();
    // 删除整颗树;
    // Delete the whole tree.
    // 判断树是否为空;
    // Determine if the tree is empty.
    bool is_empty_2 = tree.empty();
|  |--node_1_1



Recursively delete a node and its descendants.

bool deleteNode(TreeNode<T>* node_ptr);

参数 - Parameters


Provide a pointer to the node to be deleted.

返回值 - Return value

Returns true for successful deletion, otherwise returns false.

注解 - Remarks

这段代码的作用是删除给定节点及其所有子节点。首先检查节点指针是否为空,如果为空则直接返回。然后遍历该节点的所有子节点,递归调用 deleteNode 函数来删除子节点。如果子节点是树叶节点,则将其从父节点的子节点列表中移除。最后检查当前节点是否为根节点,如果是,则返回 false,因为无法删除根节点。如果当前节点不是根节点,则将其从父节点的子节点列表中移除,并返回 true
The purpose of this code is to delete a given node and all its child nodes. It first checks if the node pointer is null, and if so, returns directly. Then it traverses all child nodes of the node and recursively calls the deleteNode function to delete them. If a child node is a leaf node, it is removed from the parent node's list of child nodes. Finally, it checks if the current node is the root node, and if so, returns false because it is not possible to delete the root node. If the current node is not the root node, it is removed from the parent node's list of child nodes, and true is returned.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

    Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");

    for (auto& data : tree.traversalDFS()) Serial.println(data.first.c_str());
    // 删除 node_2_1 节点及其所有后裔.
    // Delete node_2_1 and all its descendants.
    bool delete_result_1 = tree.deleteNode(tree.findNode("node_2_1"));
    for (auto& data : tree.traversalDFS()) Serial.println(data.first.c_str());
    // 删除 node_1 节点及其所有后裔.
    // Delete node_1 and all its descendants.
    bool delete_result_2 = tree.deleteNode(tree.findNode("node_1"));
    for (auto& data : tree.traversalDFS()) Serial.println(data.first.c_str());
|  |--node_1_1
|     |--node_1_1_1

true	// Delete node_2_1;
true	// Delete node_1;


Delete a tree.

void deleteTree();

注解 - Remarks

The purpose of this code is to delete the entire tree. It first uses the deleteNode function to remove all child nodes of the root node, and then uses the reset function to reset the root node pointer to nullptr.

示例 - Example

#include <tree.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
	Tree<std::string> tree("ROOT");
    // 判断树是否为空;
    // Determine if the tree is empty.
    bool is_empty_1 = tree.empty();
    // 删除整颗树;
    // Delete the whole tree.
    // 判断树是否为空;
    // Determine if the tree is empty.
    bool is_empty_2 = tree.empty();
|  |--node_1_1


结尾 - End


Powered by RMSHE. Copyrght(C) 2023 RMSHE. All rights reserved.


为嵌入式芯片(ESP32, ESP8266, 等...)设计的轻量级通用树数据结构容器。 A lightweight, general-purpose tree-structure container designed for embedded chips (ESP32, ESP8266, etc.).





