Script editor ContainerControl for XojoScript
Sxript is an open source project that presents a text editor for XojoScript and Python. It is written in the Xojo language ( and implemented as a ContaineControl for easy incorporation into other Xojo projects The editor utilizes a hidden TextArea control to process keyboard commands, which makes it fast and compact. The project has a basic window with support for write/read of script files to disk.
The editor has most of the features of the code editor of the Xojo user interface, including automatic indenting and keyword highlighting. It also features Tab key driven code autocompletion for keywords and for procedure and variable names, as well as syntax help messages in response to the mouse hovering over keywords in the editor. It supports text search and replace, and compiler error highlighting including error message display upon mouse hovering over a highlighted error. Line numbers and collapse/expansion of code sections are not supported.
Usage: Download the .xojo_binary_project to your system and unzip the file into the same directory.