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Travel Player Guide

Ren edited this page Apr 13, 2019 · 1 revision

» Home » Travel » Player Guide

Creating warps

In order to create a warp, use the /setwarp [name] command. This will create a warp at your current location with the given name. If a warp already exists with the given name, you must delete it first.

Deleting warps

In order to delete a warp, use the /deletewarp [name] command. This will delete the warp of the given name. Please be careful, as this is permanent, and warps can not be recovered!

Using warps

Use the /warp [name] command to teleport to a warp location.

Creating warp signs

In order to create a warp sign, create a sign with [warp] on the first line, and the name of the warp on the second line. If done correctly, the first line should turn green.

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