This is "to-do" app. The main idea of the project was: 1) to simply add and show tasks in 3 categories: call, car-trip, and case; 2) in addition to task header ability to write and see long task description; 3) easy seeing and switching days. This app has next features:
- showing week number;
- showing day name for today and tomorrow and number of days to now for else dates;
- easy switching day by arrow buttons;
- easy choosing day by calendar;
- showing task time category: start-from, up-to, all-day;
- showing task category: call, trip, case;
- showing passed tasks in grey color and feature in green;
- ability to write a long description for the task.
Bootstrap Moment.js Moment.js Transform
Clone from this github repository
In local app folder run command 'npm i'
In local app folder run command 'npm run scss' - if you save changes in 'src/scss' any file, webpack automatic build 'styles.css' file in 'assets' folder.
In local app folder run command 'npm run start' to open app in locall server.
In local app folder run command 'npm run build' to build 'index.html' and 'assets/bundle.js' by webpack.
make active task edit button on main screen.
make active 'remove" button on task edit screen.
make aktive 'Search', 'Setting', 'Deleted' main menue buttons.