This repository is an implementation of a cellular automata that is computed on a GPU using CUDA.
The fire automata problem is a cellular automata that is used to simulate the spread of fire in a forest. The forest is represented by a grid of cells, where each cell can be either empty, a tree, or on fire. The automaton evolves over time according to a set of rules that determine how the fire spreads from one site to another.
- An cell with a burning tree will become empty:
sC(t)=Fire → sC(t+1)=Empty - A cell containing a tree will catch on fire, if at least one neighbor is on fire:
sC(t) = Tree → sC(t+1)=Fire if ∈ NC where s’(t)=Fire - A cell containing a tree without a neighbor on fire will catch fire with a probability p
or stay a tree with a probability (1-p):
sC(t) = Tree → sC(t+1)=Fire with probability p if ∈/ NC where s’(t)=Fire
sC(t) = Tree → sC(t+1)=Tree with probability 1-p if ∈/ NC where s’(t)=Fire - An empty cell will grow a new tree with a probability g or stay empty with a probability (1-g):
sC(t) = Empty → sC(t+1)=Tree with probability g
sC(t) = Empty → sC(t+1)=Empty with probability 1-g
##Parallelization To improve the performance of the algorithm, the computation is parallelized using CUDA JIT. CUDA JIT is a feature of the Numba Python package that allows you to compile and execute Python functions on a NVIDIA GPU using the CUDA programming model. It allows you to write Python code that can take advantage of the parallel processing power of a GPU without having to write CUDA C or C++ code.
1 Iterations elapsed time: 1.063 s
10 Iterations elapsed time: 0.045 s
100 Iterations elapsed time: 0.485 s
1000 Iterations elapsed time: 4.669 s
10000 Iterations elapsed time: 45.004 s
def ArrayWorker2(grid, prob_array, p_grow, p_fire, next_grid):
val_fire = 0xFF0000
val_tree = 0x00FF00
val_dirt = 0x0
fire = 0
num_rows, num_cols = grid.shape
row, col = cuda.grid(2)
current_val = grid[row, col]
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
# Compute the row and column indices of the current neighbor
nb_row = row + i
nb_col = col + j
# Check if the neighbor is outside the grid
if nb_row < 0 or nb_row >= num_rows or nb_col < 0 or nb_col >= num_cols:
# Increment the number of fire if the neighbor is a fire
fire += grid[nb_row, nb_col] == val_fire
if current_val == val_dirt:
if prob_array[row, col] < p_grow:
next_grid[row, col] = val_tree
next_grid[row, col] = val_dirt
elif current_val == val_tree:
if fire>0 or prob_array[row, col] < p_fire:
next_grid[row, col] = val_fire
next_grid[row, col] = val_tree
elif current_val == val_fire:
next_grid[row, col] = val_dirt
# Use torch.cuda to create the prob array
def create_prob_array(shape):
shape = torch.Size(shape)
x = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(shape)
torch.rand(shape, out=x)
return x
#Run the function on the GPU
def cuda_worker(array, p_grow, p_fire):
array = cuda.to_device(array)
array = cuda.as_cuda_array(array)
prob_array = create_prob_array(array.shape)
prob_array = cuda.as_cuda_array(prob_array)
C_global_mem = cuda.device_array(array.shape, dtype=np.uint32)
threadsperblock = (16, 16)
blockspergrid_x = int(C_global_mem.shape[0] // threadsperblock[0])
blockspergrid_y = int(C_global_mem.shape[1] // threadsperblock[1])
blockspergrid = (blockspergrid_x, blockspergrid_y)
ArrayWorker2[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](array, prob_array, p_grow, p_fire, C_global_mem)
return C_global_mem.copy_to_host()