This repository contains a flutter project with a sample feature to showcase the BloC architecture and a basic CI setup to get started with code analysis, unit test running and apps generation and distribution.
This readme contains just a small introduction to the project and the first steps to getting started with it. If this you want to know more details, please check the blogpost attached to it with an extended explanation.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Apart from the flutter code, you can find two different workflows, both using Github actions.
One that will be executed on Pull Requests and will be slightly different to the one executed on pushes to the main branch.
Here are the first steps to get started if you want to use this template as base for your own flutter app:
- Change package name
- Create Firebase app instructions
- Add secrets to your Github repository instructions:
- SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON. Used to upload the Android app to Google Play. Please check this for instructions.
- Add testers group
- After setting up an iOS developer account, verify that iOS ipa file is properly built and uploaded to Firebase.