First, run the development server:
cd omni2\server\
cd omni2\app\
npm i
npm run start
# or
yarn run start
# or
pnpm dev
# or
run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Welcome contributions to enhance and customize this Full stack E-commerce website. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your feature or bug fix.
- Make the necessary changes in your branch.
- Test your changes thoroughly.
- Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request, clearly describing the changes you have made.
Website Features
Feature | Coded? | Description |
Add users | ✔ | Ability of Add users and dispatch their roles |
Add a Product | ✔ | Ability of Add a Product on the System |
List Products | ✔ | Ability of List Products |
Edit a Product | ✔ | Ability of Edit a Product |
Delete a Product | ✔ | Ability of Delete a Product |
Stock | ✔ | Ability of Update the Stock |
Saved List | ✔ | Ability to keep the products for a future purchase |
Sales History | ✔ | Ability to see the Stock History |
Purchase Features
Feature | Coded? | Description |
Create a Cart | ✔ | Ability of Create a new Cart |
See Cart | ✔ | Ability to see the Cart and it items |
Remove from Cart | ✔ | Ability of Remove a Cart |
Add Item | ✔ | Ability of add a new Item on the Cart |
Remove an Item | ✔ | Ability of Remove a Item from the Cart |
Checkout | ✔ | Ability to Checkout |
OmniMarket V2.0 it's an open source (test scenario) software made to create a easy and simple "Shop", where you have two services, one the Products that stores and handles everything Related to Stock and Products. And the Purchase where you can create orders (cart's) and checkout items.
The purpose of this repository it's for education and test. But the code it's being coded in a proper way.