Welcome to Notebook App! This project is a web-based application that allows users to manage notes effectively. It provides features for adding, editing, deleting, and viewing notes, along with a notification system for feedback.
HTML File:
CSS File:
JavaScript File:
View Live: Notebook App
Description: Notebook App is designed to offer a simple yet efficient way to manage notes. It uses local storage for data persistence and provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with notes.
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
HTML Structure
- Defines the structure of the note-taking interface.
- Includes input fields, buttons, and containers for displaying notes.
CSS Styling
- Styles the application for a clean and intuitive user experience.
- Uses responsive design principles for compatibility across devices.
JavaScript Functionality
- Implements CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for notes.
- Integrates local storage for data persistence.
- Provides user feedback through notifications for actions like saving, updating, and deleting notes.
Note: This project demonstrates the use of DOM manipulation and local storage in JavaScript to create an interactive and responsive note-taking application.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RahulP-Here/my-web-dev-evolution.git
- Open
in a web browser to start using Notebook App.
Explore the functionality of Notebook App by adding, editing, and deleting notes. Experience the seamless user interface designed to enhance note-taking productivity.
© Notebook App 2024