oUF Progress is an element for the unitframe framework oUF inspired by the progress bars of Dominos. It requires an oUF layout that supports it.
- five different display modes that you can switch between with a left mouse click
- artifact
- azerite
- experience
- honor
- reputation
handlers per mode (left click is reserved for mode switching)- artifact toggles the Artifact UI
- azerite toggles the Azerite Essence UI
- honor toggles the PvP UI
- reputation toggles the reputation tab of the character panel
- tags (
[progress:missing][ ($>progress:reps<$)]
is the current default)[progress:delta]
- shows the last gain/loss for the currently displayed mode[progress:missing]
- shows the amount needed to reach the next standing for the currently displayed mode[progress:reps]
- shows the amount of repetitions needed to reach the next standing for the currently displayed mode
- custom visibility conditions per mode
- artifact - artifact equipped or not
- azerite - Hearth of Azeroth equipped or not
- experience - level-up, hitting the max level for the current expansion or toggling xp gains
- honor - honor level-up or entering a pvp zone like a battleground
- reputation - watched faction change
- tooltip support per mode
This is a minimal example of how to support this element in your oUF layout
-- self is the unitframe for the player unit
local progress = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)
progress:SetSize(120, 20)
progress:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, 0)
local infoText = progress:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
progress.infoText = infoText
self.Progress = progress
For further customization see docs/customization.
If you have any problems, feel free to open an issue at Github.
Please see the LICENSE file.