This is my Node project using the MongoDb database, Here I just simply showed the basic things in this Project. How to do Add/Delete/Edit products in the Websites as well as in the database also, I am showing this thing in this Project.
When I did this project that's time I learned about JavaScript, NodeJs, ExpressJs, HTML, CSS, PUG, Handlebars, EJS, and MONGODB DataBase. One more thing Here "npm" is the most vital thing that's why I also go through the npm official website and learned from there.
MongoDb is a most famous comapany and also they have most famous product, a database solution, a database engine you could say a tool can use to run very efficient NoSql database. It's Humongous because its store lot's and lot's of data and it's built for large Scale application. MongoDb is built to quuickly Query Data, Store Data and Interect with Data.
- MongoDb Basically it's a NoSql database,(Altenatives of Sql Database)
- No strict Schemas, fewer relation.
- You can of course use schemas and reference based relation but you got more fallibility.
- Often, relation are also created by embedding other documents/data.
Here I am sharing a few official websites that are helped me a lot in my learning purposes.
In my project i am Install (nodemon) for devDependencies: -
npm install --save-dev nodemon
For dependencies i am Install (body-parser,ejs,express,mongodb): -
npm i --save body-parser ejs express mongodb