******Part 1*********
UC1 ::: Ability to create a payroll service database - Using MySQL Client use create database query to create a payroll_servicedatabase - Also you can see the DB created by using show database query- And go to the database created by using use payroll_service query.
UC2 ::: Ability to create a employee payroll table in the payroll service database to manage employee payrolls.
UC3 ::: Ability to create employee payroll data in the payroll service database as part of CURD Operation - Use payroll_service database.
UC4 ::: Ability to retrieve all the employee payroll data that is added to payroll service database.
UC5 ::: Ability to retrieve salary data for a particular employee as well as all employees who have joined in a particular data range from the payroll service database.
UC6 ::: Ability to add Gender to Employee Payroll Table and Update the Rows to reflect the correct Employee Gender.
UC7 ::: Ability to find sum, average, min, max and number of male and female employees.
******Part 2*********
UC8 ::: Ability to extend employee_payroll data to store employee information like employee phone, address and department - Ensure employee department.
UC9 ::: Ability to extend employee_payroll tabl to have Basic Pay,Deductions, Taxable Pay, Income Tax, Net Pay.
UC10 ::: Ability to make Terissa as part of Sales and Marketing Department. Draw the ER Diagram for Payroll Service DB.
UC11 ::: Implement the ER Diagram into Payroll Service DB.
UC12 ::: Ensure all retrieve data and working with new table structure, such as adding data to each tables.
******Part 3 (ER-Diagram) *********