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A single page tic tac toe game. Sign up, grab a friend and keep track of all the games you play!


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A single page application that has a tic-tac-toc game board. It allows player 1 and player 2 to play while only one of them is signed in.

The SPA is integrated to API that allows sign up, sign in, change password and sign out. It also allows for creating new game, storing game details, reading number of games played & retrieving how a specific game went.

The page is designed using HTML, SCSS and Bootstrap.

Game logic is created using JavaScript and jQuery.


File structure

Development Story

The games' capabilities were broken down into single features written as user stories below. Two main parts of the API integration - authorization and game- were carefully and separately worked on to create clean code. The game engine itself was informed by the server's data storage structure. Event handlers were used to create a seamless user experience.

Design was kept simple as an ode to the simplicity of the tic-tac-toe game itself. The colors and modals used are soft in colors and pleasing in effect to communicate the carefree nature of this game.

User stories (Breakdown each story into an atomic level)

  • User should be able to login or signup.
  • If logged in, user should be able to change password.
  • If logged in, user should be able to sign out.
  • Create an authorized view.
  • Create an unauthorized view.
  • The first input will be a X.
  • User should be able to input their X or O into the 3x3 grid.
  • A clicked grid may not be clicked in that same game.
  • The inputs should alternate between X and O.
  • User will not be able to click the grid once game is won.
  • Game logic will notify if a player has won.
  • Game logic will notify if the game is a tie.
  • If logged in, user should be able to start a new game.
  • User can see the number of games they have played.
  • User can see how each game went by inputting ID

Game UI

  • a simple 3X3 grid represents the game board.
  • Hover color change
  • Click to make X's appear.
  • Click to make O's appear
  • Buttons for sign in, sign up, sign out and change password.
  • Buttons for creating new game, show all games and get a game. Notes Winning if below id's have the same string value (X or O) horizontal [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9;] vertical [1,4,7; 2,5,8; 3,6,9] diagonals [1,5,9; 3,5,7]


  • Sign up, sign in, sign out and change password created through ajax calls.
  • ui.js - handles user interface functionality like authorized view vs unauthorized view. It also handles success and failure messages.
  • api.js - handles interactions with the API to sign up, sign in, sign out and change password.
  • events.js - handles events created by clients
  • app.js - listens for events created through button clicking
  • store.js - handles the token info user generates upon signing in
  • use reset method to clear forms after success.

Game engine

  • App.js for sign up and sign in authorizations
  • Once signed in, the user can start a new game by clicking a button.
  • A new game with unique id is generated in the server.
  • The gameboard becomes active
  • First click on the grid makes a 'X' appear
  • Counts number of unique clicks on the game board and set it to uniqueCount
  • Odd number of uniqueCount = X on the board.
  • Even number of uniqueCount = O on the board.
  • If numbers of grids with strings(uniqueCount) >= 5, run a function to check for winner
  • 8 winning conditions are looped through to check if either player has won.
  • If uniqueCount = 9 and no winner has been determined, the game is a tie.
  • The player can click 'start a new game' to start another game.
  • Clear form fields after clicking buttons -- sign in, sign out, change password and show a game
  • Each gameboard API updates the server and stores the play
  • game.cells of each unique game updates the server and stores gameboard data for future reference.
  • Client can retrieve game details by inputting ID


  • Winning if below id's have the same string value (X or O)
  • horizontal [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9;]
  • vertical [1,4,7; 2,5,8; 3,6,9]
  • diagonals [1,5,9; 3,5,7]

Game UI

  • a simple 3X3 grid represents the game board.
  • Hover color change
  • Click to make X's appear.
  • Click to make O's appear
  • Buttons for sign in, sign up, sign out and change password.
  • Buttons for creating new game, show all games and get a game.

Project API

User API

Game API



Future features

  • Tally of Player X win vs Player O wins
  • Multiplayer feature
  • Animation on the page for better user engagement

Additional resources

Reference materials used


A single page tic tac toe game. Sign up, grab a friend and keep track of all the games you play!








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