A full stack React app that evaluates user personalities and provides career guidance in terms of job options, post-secondary programs, mood monitor using ParallelDots API and mentor support via live chat. Built using React on the front-end, and Node, Express and PostgreSQL on the back-end. Live chat was built using Socket.io
- react v16.13.1
- material ui v4.9.11
- react-chat-widget v3.0.0
- react-router-dom v5.1.2
- shards-react v1.0.3
- react-bootstrap v1.0.0
- recharts v1.0.0
- styled-components v2.2.0
- cors v2.8.5
- express v4.17.1
- postgres v6.4.2
- paralleldots v3.2.5
- socket.io v2.3.0
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start