The current package can be fetched directly from your R session. If not already present, first install the devtools-package from your R terminal:
Then, install the rapbase package:
When installed at Rapporteket make sure clean-up is performed:
devtools::install_github("Rapporteket/rapbase", args=c("--clean"))
This will add local configuration after the package has been installed
Install this package:
Communicating through a proxy might cause the above install commands to fail. If so, try the following prior to the above install commands:
use_proxy(url=IPadr, port=portnr, username="user",password="passwd")
replacing the example parameter values with whatever applies for the system the package is being installed on
Reports in this package can be tested with package sample data and Shiny:
Contributors submit their code to the rel (release) branch which is subject to testing at Rapporteket. Upon acceptance rel will me merged to the master branch and tagged