The scraper returns some personal information of the member, their educational qualifications, work experiences and certifications.
A Chrome Webdriver: The version should be same as the version of your google chrome browser.
An HTML parser eg. lxml
1. Install the modules in the requirements.txt file.
>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure the correct version of ChromeDriver is downloaded.
Edit the file and run it.
>>> import uuid
>>> profile_link = ""
>>> Id = str(uuid.uuid4())
>>> alexander = ScrapeLinkedin("", "yourPassword", profile_link, Id)
>>> alexander.scrape()
Entering your username...
Entering your password...
Signing you in...
Successfully signed in. Proceeding to another profile.
No certifications
Done scraping.
>>> alexander.get_name()
'Alexander Nalmpantis'
>>> alexander.get_location()
'London, Greater London, United Kingdom'
>>> alexander.get_education()
'City University London',
"Master's degree Data Science"),
'Harvard Business School',
'Core: Credential of Readiness'),
'Technologiko Ekpaideutiko Idrima, Kavalas',
'Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering')]
>>> alexander.get_experience()
'Lead Data Scientist',
'Dec 2018',
'Manager - Analytics & Modelling',
'Apr 2017',
'Dec 2018',
'London, United Kingdom'),
'IHS Consulting',
'Business Analyst - Upstream Consulting',
'Oct 2014',
'Mar 2017',
'London, United Kingdom'),
'Oil & Gas Analyst',
'Jan 2014',
'Oct 2014',
'London, United Kingdom'),
'Chatzikosmas Co',
'Production Engineer',
'Sep 2008',
'Oct 2012',
Successfully saved scientist
Successfully saved experiences
Successfully saved qualifications
Successfully saved certifications
The data is automatically stored in an SQLite database.
>>> unscraped_urls = ["member1_url", "member2_url"]
>>> scrape_multiple = ScrapeLinkedinM("", "yourPassword", unscraped_urls)
>>> scrape_multiple.scrape_save()
Entering your username...
Entering your password...
Signing you in...
Successfully signed in.
Scraping member1_url...
No certifications
Done scraping
Saving all credentials...
Successfully saved scientist
Successfully saved experiences
Successfully saved qualifications
Sleeping for approximately 3 minutes