Library | Version | Category |
Next.js | 14.2.4 | Framework |
React | 18.2.0 | UI Framework |
Node.js | 20.15.0 | Runtime Environment |
MongoDB/Mongoose | 8.4.0 | Database |
TypeScript | 5.4.5 | Language |
Express.js | 4.19.2 | Server Framework |
NextUI | 2.2.5 | UI Components |
Firebase/Firebase-admin | 12.2.0 | Development Tools |
Vercel | - | Deployment Platform |
Micromark | 4.0.0 | Markdown Processor |
Tailwind CSS | 3.4.1 | CSS Framework |
Docker | 4.31.1 | Containerization |
Firestore | 7.7.0 | Cloud Database |
REST | - | API Architecture |
Light | Dark |
Users can register and sign in using their email address and password, with an additional layer of security provided by email verification. Alternatively, users can also sign in using their Google account.
Users can write, read, comment and like posts. Posts are created using a markdown editor integrated directly into the site, allowing for easy and intuitive content creation.
Users can track the watering cycle of their plants, previously added through the mobile application.
Users can log in with their mobile app accounts and additionally manage their accounts by changing their password, updating their username, or deleting their account.