PicTalk is all about pictograms . It's purpose is to make the life of speech-disabled persons easier. My little brother, Pablo, has the down syndrome. He isn't able to speak nor to write. Luckily Pablo is into tablet and phones. Most of the communication Pablo does comes from his device. The greater part of the time he uses pictures of places or pictograms to express himself. Currently there are very limited apps that use pictograms to produce a sentence out loud. These apps were rather expensive or not compatible with almost all devices. So I decided, with my limited knowledge of Web development to make an app.
# ➤ install dependencies
$ npm install
# ➤ serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# ➤ build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# ➤ generate static project
$ npm run generate