dox is a leiningen plugin for updating gh-pages
with new documentation, and
also creating it if it doesn't exist.
First of all, you'll want some kind of documentation generator. My favorite is
codox. The thing that matters is where
the documentation files are put after being generated. You'll want to set that
in project.clj
:dox {:in "somedocs/"}
This tells it to look in somedocs/
for the documentation files. The default is
which also happens to be codox's default!
Once all that's fine and dandy, just generate your docs and run dox
$ lein do doc, dox
This will switch to (or create) the gh-pages branch, remove everything, add these docs, commit, and then switch back. Pretty simple, eh?
Copyright © 2014 Anthony Grimes
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.