UOI - Unique object identifier, is an ID that would represent an element up to a whole building in an estate. You can learn more about it in the educational resources.
It is important that people get familiar with what is a UOI and why it is important. You can find a link with the problem found in the real estate and the solution this identificator is going to solve by clicking right here.
In the folder educational_resources you can find more information. Or by clicking here.
- creating a Graphical demo interface
- Java - 1.8
- neo4j - 3.5.22
- neo4j driver - 4.1.1
"uuid": "NL.dfb2d5f4-89e3-43b0-840d-7c1cc57aa014",
"timestamp": "1614179433096",
"owner": null,
"level": "BUILDING",
“parentUOI: “NL.f68d91e6-2a0d-4055-8a0f-bc90a6d939ab”,
"children": [],
"historyOf": null,
"uoiClass": "Shop",
"properties" : [
{"length": 0},
{"height": 0},
{"width": 0},
{"materials": null},
{"tenant": null},
{"address": null},
{"longitude": 0},
{"latitude": 0},
{"resources": null},
{"BAG" : "123123213"},
{"Company Owner" : "Hello Inc"},
{"VAT" : "123123123213"}
CONSISTS_OF - a UOI that consists of another UOI (Flat consists of Room)
PART_OF - a UOI that is part of another UOI (Room is part of Flat)
validated: t/f