This repository is the official home for the Feditrix Homeserver, which uses the same codebase as for the future
You know it, it's a super-app for the fediverse with the features of Matrix built-in. Just a side note, this monorepo is in its early stages,
so don't expect stability and conformance to the specs yet.
- The brain and the backend code, where authentication, user profiles and other logic
- The Next.js codebase that glues between the web UI and the API.landing
- Coming soon page, probably.docker
- Resources and source files for the Docker image
- Code of Conduct
- Contributing Guidelines
- Security Policy
- List of Project Maintainers and Coordinators
- Credits
- Docs soon!
We also maintain other OSS projects that would compliment with this project, including:
- Verification Process Endpoint API, an under development API for asserting username ownership to specific entity, the open source way.
AGPLv3 or later.