CargOS is a minimal operating system intended to provide a thin layer between the Docker daemon and the hardware (phsyical or virtual).
It's a no-nonsense operating system intended for one purpose, and one purpose only: to run Docker. It's kept minimal and simple without any tools or services that get in your way like Systemd.
This repository functions as the "entrypoint" for the actual repositories that contain the CargOS sources. Please refer to the section below for more information on them.
Documentation on how to install and use CargOS can be found in the wiki.
CargOS itself is just the bare minimum based on Busybox with a very small set of packages installed by default. Additional packages are installed via pkgsrc.
- cargos-buildroot -- core
- cargos-pkgsrc -- base + additional packages
The latest release of CargOS will always be available via the CargOS homepage.