This script is designed to scrape a website for video files and generate a wget script to download them. It's particularly useful for downloading series of videos, such as TV series episodes.
- Scrapes a website for video files
- Generates a wget script to download the video files
- Formats the video file names in the format "[Series Name] - S[season]E[episode]"
- Prints the total size of the video files to be downloaded
This script requires the following Python libraries:
- requests
- BeautifulSoup
- re
- fs
- os
- colorama
- rich
- pyfiglet
- time
You can install these libraries using pip:
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 colorama rich pyfiglet fs
Run the script:
When prompted, enter the URL of the website you want to download from.
The script will scrape the website, generate a wget script, and print the total size of the video files to be downloaded.
You can then run the wget script to download the video files:
made this since i was too lazy to do it manually
Please ensure that the structure of the HTML you're parsing matches your expectations, as BeautifulSoup relies on the specific structure of the HTML.