Explore and program a tiny microprocessor starting from a single gate. An explorable explanation that shows how a CPU is built from AND, OR, NOT, and XOR gates. In the style of http://explorableexplanations.com.
Requires Node v6.x.
- edit url paths in
to include<post-name>
in path npm run build
- copy
to s3 bucket at<root>/<post-name>/index.html
- copy
folder to s3 bucket at<root>/<post-name>/dist
- copy
folder to s3 bucket at<root>/<post-name>/assets
- Gates are electrical
- Gates have inputs and outputs
- Inputs and outputs can be on or off, like a switch
- If it's hot outside and it's not windy and it's not raining and we've got sunscreen, then let's go to the beach. We can use a few gates to build a circuit that'll help us decide whether to go to the beach.
- 1 bit register
- Feeding an output back to the input of a gate lets us build a circuit that remembers it's input.
- relationship between ON / OFF and a bit
- With many bits we can count
- Visualize as abstract circle / bulbs that are on or off.
- Below is binary representation of 0 and 1s
- Below is decimal representation
- adding and carrying on a table
- Add with XOR
- Carry with AND
- 4 bit adder
- Our 4 bit adder still works for two's complements numbers
- concept of a register file
- one 2 bit input selects which cubby hole to use
- another 1 bit input is the number to remember
- another bit that controls reading / writing
- we can visualize this as individual gates
- we can also visualize this as a box "register file"
- 4 bit address, 4 bit data register file
- don't show as gates (probably too complicated)
- show as box with address and data and out
- adder has register file at output which feeds back to one of the adders inputs
- start seeding intuition data paths and control paths
- start seeding intuition about need for a clock
- build up to super simple CPU that you can program with a simple assembly and see some kind of program output on a tiny low pixel count screen
- is there some out output (lights, moving a character around) that's simpler than a screen but complex enough that it makes sense to program a simple CPU with assembly?
- 16 bit data path?
- no distinction between register file, cache, memory (large memory addressable in 1 cycle)
- registers that feed two ALU inputs and register that captures output
- Load / store instructions that load from memory into one of two registers
- what should a fun out put be? Tiny display mapped into memory
- no interrupts, but registers that capture some simple inputs like mouse and keyboard