Mealy is an application that allows customers to make food orders and helps the food vendor know what the customers want to eat. Its a fullstack project developed using reactjs and flask.
- Files
- Usage
- Dependencies
- installation
- Author
- This is the main Python file that defines the Flask application and API routes. It also contains error handling for not found resources.
- This file defines the SQLAlchemy models for User, Blogpost, and Userblogpost. These models represent the database tables and their relationships.
- This script is used to populate the database with sample data. It generates random restaurant usernames, emails, blogpost names, and descriptions using the Faker library and adds them to the respective database tables.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt.
- Run the Flask application by executing python
- Access the API using the specified endpoints and methods.
- Run: pipenv install flask-migrate
- In from flask_migrate import Migrate migrate = Migrate(app, db) db.init_app(app)
- Run to create database: export export FLASK_RUN_PORT=5555 flask db init flask db migrate -m "Initial migration" flask db upgrade
- Update db with tables: flask db revision --autogenerate -m'Created tables '
Group 4