$ npm install command-permission
- discord.js >= 12.0.0
Easy to use command manager.
1.1. Checking the bot for the necessary rights to execute the command.
1.2. Checking the user for the necessary rights to call the command.
1.3. The bot owner can use any commands on any server, subject to paragraph 1.1.
Built-in commands:
2.1. prefix - display prefixes,
2.2. help - list of commands
2.3. help [command] - information about the command.
2.4. Built-in commands are disabled in parameters: "commandHelp", "commandPrefix"
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({ disableEveryone: true });
const permission = require("command-permission");
permission.command(client, {
botOwner: ["botOwnerID"], //bot author id
commands: "commands", //path to the commands folder, commands must be stored in one of the subfolders of this folder
botPrefix: ["!", "*", ">"], //bot prefix
commandDM: false, //true|false - on|off using commands in bot DM
commandHelp: true, //true|false - on|off command help
commandHelpDM: true, //true|false - on|off DM command help
commandPrefix: true //true|false - on|off command prefix
language: "en_EN" // language setting
client.login("Bot Token");
module.exports = {
name: "test", //command name
aliases: [], //aliases
category: "info", //the category in which the command file is located
description: "Show avatar (your / user)", //description
usage: "avatar [user]", //example of use
clientPerm: ['ATTACH_FILES'], //list of bot rights for successful command execution
memberPerm: [], //list of user rights for successful command execution
onlyOwner: false, //true - the command can only be used by the owner of the bot
run: async(client, message, args) => {
//your code
Русский: language: "ru_RU"
English: language: "en_EN"
Українська: language: "uk_UK"
Белорусский: language: "be_BE"
Polski: language: "pl_PL"