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Head Movement Example

rethink-bbenoit edited this page Nov 19, 2013 · 6 revisions


The Head "Wobbler" Example randomly moves the head to demonstrate using the head pan and nod interfaces.


From an RSDK shell, run the demo from the baxter_examples package:
bash $ rosrun baxter_examples Baxter's head will nod and begin panning left and right to random angles.


Baxter's head can move up and down in a nod motion, and rotate left-to-right in a pan motion. The head nod motion is a single action that can be triggered to run, but cannot be set to a specific angle. The pan motion swings Baxter's 'face' (a.k.a. screen) to a settable angle, rotating around the vertical axes of the head.

The head wobbler example is intented to be a simple demo whose code can be examined to learn how to use the head and demonstrate the use of the baxter_interface Head class. The non-interactive demo calls the command_nod() function and then sets the head pan to a few randomly generated angles, waiting in between each in order to give enough time for the head to move there.

For more information on Baxter's head, see Using the Head.



See the API Reference page for details.

  • Nod Head: /robot/head/command_head_nod
  • Pan Head: /robot/head/command_head_pan

baxter_interface APIs

  • Head class:
    • command_nod()
    • set_pan( <angle> )


For common issues specific to using wobbler with Baxter, check out the Troubleshooting page.

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