Craft an interpreter using s-exp but with a C-like way of things (aka, writing grammars is hard when not using s-exp) The goal was not to write a "real" Lisp (The 'G' stands for Garbage anyway)
The interpreter has 1 main problem :
- It kinda handles everything as Strings ..
Features :
- Lexically scoped functions and variables (let)
- Globally scoped variables (set)
- Function (with and without parameters)
- Passing function (parameterless) as parameters
- Recursion (with and without parameters) (beware of the stackoverflow...)
- Print to repl
- Read repl
- Boolean logic
- Control flow
- Type predicates
- Random number generation
- Lambdas
(translate-set-prefix "INN")
(set inn-cost 5)
(function bye
(say MERCHANT "See ya !" "Inn/bye"))
(function sleep
(if (team-close)
(say-audio "Inn/5gp")
(choices MERCHANT (cc "It will cost you " (ret inn-cost) " GP.")
(choice "Sleep"
(if (team-has-enough-cash (ret inn-cost))
(say MERCHANT "Here's the key, have a good sleep !" "Inn/key")
(dialog-event (sleep-event (ret inn-cost) "InnSleepMarker")))
(say MERCHANT "But, where's the money !!" "Inn/nocash"))))
(choice "No thanks" (bye))))
(say MERCHANT "Your group is too scattered.." "Inn/moulin"))))
(protagonists (protagonist MERCHANT (get-target-name)))
(say MERCHANT "Heya !" "Inn/hey")
(say-audio "Inn/bon vent")
(choices MERCHANT "Whatcha want ?"
(choice "Sleep" (sleep))
(choice "Nothing" (bye))))))
(function recursion count
(when (< (ret count) 100)
(print (ret count))
(recursion (+ 1 (ret count)))
(print (ret count))))))
(recursion 0))
(function get-random-number min max
(random (ret min) (ret max)))
(function game tries number min max
(print "Please choose a number beetwen " (ret min) " and " (ret max))
(let choice (read)
(if (and (== (ret choice) (ret number)) (not (== tries 0)))
(print "Congratulation ! You won")
(when (< (ret choice) (ret number)) (print "It's bigger !"))
(when (> (ret choice) (ret number)) (print "It's smaller !"))
(print (- (ret tries) 1) " left !")
(if (== 0 (- (ret tries) 1))
(print "No more tries.. You loose !")
(game (- (ret tries) 1) (ret number) (ret min) (ret max)))))))))
(let min 1
(let max 100
(game 10 (get-random-number (ret min) (ret max)) (ret min) (ret max)))))
(function isFizz num
(== 0 (% (ret num) 3)))
(function isBuzz num
(== 0 (% (ret num) 5)))
(function isNeither num
(not (or (isFizz (ret num)) (isBuzz (ret num)))))
(function letsgo counter max
(when (< (ret counter) (+ (ret max) 1))
(when (isFizz (ret counter)) "Fizz")
(when (isBuzz (ret counter)) "Buzz")
(when (isNeither (ret counter)) (ret counter)))
(letsgo (+ (ret counter) 1) (ret max)))))
(letsgo 1 100))
;; This is a comment it will be ignored by the interpreter ;;
(function with-params a b c
(print (ret a) " " (ret b) " " (ret c)))
(with-params 1 2 3)
(function recur-with-params a
(print (ret a))
(if (== (ret a) 100)
(recur-with-params (+ 1 (ret a))))))
(recur-with-params 1)
(function yes/no/loop
(let answer (read)
(if (== (ret answer) yes)
(print "Fine !" "")
(print "That's not quite what I want to hear ...")
(function yes/no
(let answer (read)
(if (== (ret answer) yes)
(print "Welcome to my world !")
(print "First of all, what is your name ?")
(let name (read)
(print "Ok so your name is " (ret name) " !")
(print "I hope you're not a faint of hearth, my little " (ret name) " !")
(print "Which reminds me... Do you like cookies ?")
(let cookie (yes/no)
(if (== yes (ret cookie))
(print "You're a fine chap !")
(print "We'll deal with this later..."))))))
(set i 0)
(function while c b
(if (== no (apply (ret c)))
(apply (ret b))
(while (ret c) (ret b)))
(function body
(print (ret i))
(set i (+ 1 (ret i)))))
(function cond
(< 100 (ret i)))
(while cond body))
(+ 1 2 3)
(- 34 2)
(print (+ 1 2))