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package test1;

import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;

import com.cloudgarden.resource.SWTResourceManager;


  • This code was edited or generated using CloudGarden's Jigloo

  • SWT/Swing GUI Builder, which is free for non-commercial

  • use. If Jigloo is being used commercially (ie, by a corporation,

  • company or business for any purpose whatever) then you

  • should purchase a license for each developer using Jigloo.

  • Please visit for details.

  • Use of Jigloo implies acceptance of these licensing terms.



  • LEGALLY FOR ANY CORPORATE OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. */ public class test1 extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite {

    private Menu menu1; private MenuItem aboutMenuItem; private MenuItem contentsMenuItem; private Menu helpMenu; private MenuItem helpMenuItem; private TableColumn tableColumn1; private Button button2; private Button button1; private Text text3; private Label label3; private Text text2; private Label label2; private Text text1; private Label label1; private Composite composite1; private Button Rejectbutton; private Button Approvebutton; private TableColumn tableColumn5; private TableColumn tableColumn4; private TableColumn tableColumn3; private TableColumn tableColumn2; private Table purchasetable; private Combo userlistCombo; private MenuItem exitMenuItem; private MenuItem closeFileMenuItem; private MenuItem saveFileMenuItem; private MenuItem newFileMenuItem; private MenuItem openFileMenuItem; private Menu fileMenu; private MenuItem fileMenuItem;

    { //Register as a resource user - SWTResourceManager will //handle the obtaining and disposing of resources SWTResourceManager.registerResourceUser(this); }

    public test1(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); initGUI(); }


    • Initializes the GUI. */ private void initGUI() { try { this.setSize(742, 339); this.setBackground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(192, 192, 192)); this.setLayout(null); { userlistCombo = new Combo(this, SWT.NONE); userlistCombo.setText("Users"); userlistCombo.setSize(36, 37); userlistCombo.setBounds(50, 30, 60, 23); } { purchasetable = new Table(this, SWT.NONE); purchasetable.setBounds(50, 75, 303, 146); purchasetable.setLinesVisible(true); purchasetable.setHeaderVisible(true); { tableColumn1 = new TableColumn(purchasetable, SWT.NONE); tableColumn1.setText("Item"); tableColumn1.setWidth(60); } { tableColumn2 = new TableColumn(purchasetable, SWT.NONE); tableColumn2.setText("Price"); tableColumn2.setWidth(60); } { tableColumn3 = new TableColumn(purchasetable, SWT.NONE); tableColumn3.setText("Quantity"); tableColumn3.setWidth(60); } { tableColumn4 = new TableColumn(purchasetable, SWT.NONE); tableColumn4.setText("Status"); tableColumn4.setWidth(60); } { tableColumn5 = new TableColumn(purchasetable, SWT.NONE); tableColumn5.setText("ID"); tableColumn5.setWidth(60); } } { Approvebutton = new Button(this, SWT.PUSH | SWT.CENTER); Approvebutton.setText("Approve"); Approvebutton.setSize(60, 30); Approvebutton.setBounds(50, 246, 60, 30); } { Rejectbutton = new Button(this, SWT.PUSH | SWT.CENTER); Rejectbutton.setText("Reject"); Rejectbutton.setSize(60, 30); Rejectbutton.setBounds(276, 246, 60, 30); } { composite1 = new Composite(this, SWT.NONE); composite1.setLayout(null); composite1.setBounds(375, 40, 335, 206); { label1 = new Label(composite1, SWT.NONE); label1.setText("Item :"); label1.setBounds(33, 19, 39, 18); } { text1 = new Text(composite1, SWT.NONE); text1.setBounds(83, 13, 188, 30); } { label2 = new Label(composite1, SWT.NONE); label2.setText("Price"); label2.setBounds(29, 67, 43, 18); } { text2 = new Text(composite1, SWT.NONE); text2.setBounds(83, 61, 188, 30); } { label3 = new Label(composite1, SWT.NONE); label3.setText("Quantity :"); label3.setBounds(12, 110, 60, 16); } { text3 = new Text(composite1, SWT.NONE); text3.setBounds(83, 103, 187, 30); } { button1 = new Button(composite1, SWT.PUSH | SWT.CENTER); button1.setText("Add PO"); button1.setSize(60, 30); button1.setBounds(168, 264, 60, 30); } { button2 = new Button(composite1, SWT.PUSH | SWT.CENTER); button2.setText("Add PO"); button2.setBounds(210, 150, 60, 30); } } { menu1 = new Menu(getShell(), SWT.BAR); getShell().setMenuBar(menu1); { fileMenuItem = new MenuItem(menu1, SWT.CASCADE); fileMenuItem.setText("File"); { fileMenu = new Menu(fileMenuItem); { openFileMenuItem = new MenuItem(fileMenu, SWT.CASCADE); openFileMenuItem.setText("Open"); } { newFileMenuItem = new MenuItem(fileMenu, SWT.CASCADE); newFileMenuItem.setText("New"); } { saveFileMenuItem = new MenuItem(fileMenu, SWT.CASCADE); saveFileMenuItem.setText("Save"); } { closeFileMenuItem = new MenuItem(fileMenu, SWT.CASCADE); closeFileMenuItem.setText("Close"); } { exitMenuItem = new MenuItem(fileMenu, SWT.CASCADE); exitMenuItem.setText("Exit"); } fileMenuItem.setMenu(fileMenu); } } { helpMenuItem = new MenuItem(menu1, SWT.CASCADE); helpMenuItem.setText("Help"); { helpMenu = new Menu(helpMenuItem); { contentsMenuItem = new MenuItem(helpMenu, SWT.CASCADE); contentsMenuItem.setText("Contents"); } { aboutMenuItem = new MenuItem(helpMenu, SWT.CASCADE); aboutMenuItem.setText("About"); } helpMenuItem.setMenu(helpMenu); } } } this.layout(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }


    • Auto-generated main method to display this
    • org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite inside a new Shell. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Display display = Display.getDefault(); Shell shell = new Shell(display); test1 inst = new test1(shell, SWT.NULL); Point size = inst.getSize(); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); shell.layout(); if(size.x == 0 && size.y == 0) { inst.pack(); shell.pack(); } else { Rectangle shellBounds = shell.computeTrim(0, 0, size.x, size.y); shell.setSize(shellBounds.width, shellBounds.height); }; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } }



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