A very tiny RPC framework, with ability to perform basic type checks.
pip3 install sockserver -U
from SockServer import SockServer
server = SockServer(8000, workers=8)
def hello(who: str):
:param who:
if who == "me":
return {
"status": False,
"result": "you are not allowed to say hello to yourself",
return {"status": True, "result": "hello " + who.strip()}
if __name__ == '__main__':
Support Qpro Template
Qpro create <server_name>
# Choose "内置模板 / Inner Template" -> "SockServer"
- Install Client LIB
mkdir -p /usr/local/include/SockClient
cp Client/utils/* /usr/local/include/SockClient/
- Usage
#include <SockClient/SockClient.h>
#include <SockClient/cJSON.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
* 服务端地址与端口,请自行修改
! 由于SockClient不具备域名解析功能,因此需要使用IP地址
! 如果服务端在本机,请使用
struct sockaddr_in *server_addr = default_addr("", 8080);
* 构建JSON对象,用于存储API调用的函数名与参数
* 数据形如: {"func": argv[1], "argv": [argv[2], argv[3], ...]}
cJSON *post_json = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddStringToObject(post_json, "func", argv[1]);
cJSON *argvs_json = cJSON_CreateArray();
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
cJSON_AddItemToArray(argvs_json, cJSON_CreateString(argv[i]));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(post_json, "argv", argvs_json);
* 用于存储服务器返回的数据,SockString 是一个字符串链表,用于动态存储大量数据
SockString_t recv_buf = SockString_NewString();
char post_buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
cJSON_PrintPreallocated(post_json, post_buf, BUFFER_SIZE, 0); // * 将JSON对象转换为字符串
* 调用API,将post_buf中的数据发送到服务器,服务器返回的数据存储在recv_buf中
call_api(server_addr, post_buf, recv_buf);
cJSON_Delete(post_json); // * 释放JSON对象
char *recv_string = SockString_ToCharArray(recv_buf); // * 将SockString转换为字符串
cJSON *recv_json = cJSON_Parse(recv_string); // * 将字符串转换为JSON对象
free(recv_string); // * 释放字符串
SockString_Delete(recv_buf); // * 释放SockString
cJSON_Print(recv_json); // * 打印收到的JSON对象
if (cJSON_IsFalse(cJSON_GetObjectItem(recv_json, "status")))
* 如果服务器返回的status为false,则说明调用API失败
printf("Error: %s\n", cJSON_GetObjectItem(recv_json, "result")->valuestring);
return 1;
* 如果服务器返回的status为true,则说明调用API成功
* 读取result字段,根据其类型进行处理
cJSON *result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(recv_json, "result");
if (result->type == cJSON_String)
printf("%s\n", result->valuestring);
else if (result->type == cJSON_Number)
printf("%d\n", result->valueint);
else if (result->type == cJSON_Array)
for (int i = 0; i < cJSON_GetArraySize(result); i++)
cJSON *item = cJSON_GetArrayItem(result, i);
if (item->type == cJSON_String)
printf("%s\n", item->valuestring);
else if (item->type == cJSON_Number)
printf("%d\n", item->valueint);
free(server_addr); // * 释放服务器地址
return 0;