This is a cache storage engine.
- Stores a cache with multiple tags. And deletes cache by using tag.
- PHP 5.3 above
editing the composer.json file in the root project.
"rickysu/tagcache": "0.1.*",
php composer.phar update
The cache driver. Currently support "Memcache,Memcached,File,Sqlite,Apc,Nullcache". Nullcache is for testing only.
some driver like Memcached,only support 250 characters key length. Enable this option will use md5 hashed key.
Memcache cannot store object over 1MB.Enable these option will fix this issue,but cause lower performance.default false.
Memcache server configs. format => "Host:Port:Weight"
use RickySu\Tagcache\TagcacheFactory;
'driver' => 'Memcache',
'namespace' => 'Name_Space_For_Your_Project',
'options' => array(
'hashkey' => true,
'enable_largeobject' => false,
'cache_dir' => 'Temp_Cache_File_Store_Path',
'servers' => array(
//store cache with Tags:{TagA,TagB} for 300 secs.
//get cache.
//delete cache.
//delete cache by Tag.
//acquire a lock.If a lock already exists,It will be blocked for 5 secs.
//release a lock.
//increment a cache
//decrement a cache