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Releases: RicoSuter/NSwag


17 Jul 15:11
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What's Changed

  • Updated to NJsonSchema v11.0.2
  • Fixed: impossible to generate exception classes for non-first client by @bkoelman in #4891
  • Restores support for instance-based JSON serializer settings in a non-breaking way by @bkoelman in #4888
  • Only reference Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions in .NET 6+ b… by @Numpsy in #4785
  • Might be breaking change: Remove NET 7 support by @lahma in #4896

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v14.0.8...v14.1.0

NSwag v14.0.8

12 Jun 20:08
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v14.0.7...v14.0.8

NSwag v14.0.7

26 Mar 15:18
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  • Fix loading of correct JSON serializer options, fixes #4834, regression of #4733, v14.0.7

Full Changelog: v14.0.6...v14.0.7

NSwag v14.0.6

26 Mar 12:42
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Broken version: Newtonsoft.Json options are not loaded correctly, please use v14.0.7

  • Fixes in CSharp generator

Full Changelog: v14.0.5...v14.0.6

NSwag v14.0.5

26 Mar 10:35
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Broken version: Newtonsoft.Json options are not loaded correctly, please use v14.0.7

  • Fix for WithOpenApi() bug

NSwag v14.0.4

23 Mar 00:19
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Broken version: Newtonsoft.Json options are not loaded correctly, please use v14.0.7

  • Improve minimal API support (WithOpenApi())
  • Some minor fixes

Full Changelog: v14.0.4...v14.0.4

NSwag v14.0.3

04 Feb 13:30
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v14.0.2...v14.0.3

NSwag v14.0.2

17 Jan 08:48
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  • Minor fix in the Swagger UI (revert and improve #4184)

NSwag v14.0.1

12 Jan 00:22
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Minor fixes:

  • fixed readme code sample, #4667
  • build: fix .net8 target while publishing artifacts, #4680
  • Fix GenerateNSwagTypeScript target, #4687
  • Fix missing assignment of base URL, #4691
  • Disable warning CS8625 "Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type." in generated code, #4656
  • Fix generated C# clients using base URL, #4674

NSwag v14.0.0

03 Jan 15:58
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See #4524

NSwag v14

Breaking changes

  • NJsonSchema generator settings moved from being directly on the generator settings to the "SchemaSettings" property.
  • nswag.json now only supports .csproj based specification generation (reflection/assembly based removed, only aspnetcore2openapi)
  • Now only supports .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 4.6.2, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5, .NET 7 and up
  • Requires latest Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.3
  • Removed many deprecated properties, settings and methods (marked a long time as obsolete)
  • Removed WebApiToOpenApiCommand:
    • Use the WebApiOpenApiDocumentGenerator to build your own CLI referencing controllers project to generate OpenAPI without starting the app
  • Renamed UseSwaggerUi3 to UseSwaggerUi (v2 has been removed)

NJsonSchema v11

Breaking changes

  • All Newtonsoft.Json based generators, converters (e.g. JsonInheritance) moved to NJsonSchema.NewtonsoftJson; NJsonSchema contains the converters for System.Text.Json
  • Requires latest Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.3
  • Now only supports .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 4.6.2 and up
  • Updated to latest Namotion.Reflection v3
  • Breaking change in IJsonExtensionObject interface (now supports multiple data tuples)

Other changes:

  • Add support for STJ-native inheritance schema generation (JsonDerivedType, JsonPolymorphic)
  • Many more smaller improvements and fixes (see git history)