The Backend for my Stocks Application written with Java Spring Boot
Setting up mysql container
docker run --name=mysql1 -d mysql/mysql-server
docker logs mysql1 2>&1 | grep GENERATED
docker exec -it mysql1 mysql -uroot -p
In Mysql instance: create spring user
mysql> create database db_stocks; -- Creates the new database
mysql> create user 'springuser'@'%' identified by 'ThePassword'; -- Creates the user
mysql> grant all on db_stocks.* to 'springuser'@'%'; -- Gives all privileges to the new user on the newly created database
creating spring boot docker image
docker build --rm -t ringodev/spring-docker-stocks .
running the mysql container
running the spring container
linking mysql1 to mysql1 setting MYSQL_HOST variable to mysql1 porting mapping from 8085 to 8085
docker run --name=spring2 --link mysql1 -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql1 -p 8085:8085 -t springio/gs-spring-boot-docker
building spring boot image with Docker file
creating a fat jar with cmd and skipping tests:
./mwnw package - DskipTests
then unpacking fat jar with
mkdir -p target/dependency && (cd target/dependency; jar -xf ../*.jar)
creating Dockerfile with split dependencies
# Stage 1
FROM openjdk:14 as builder
# copying needed files and making .mvnw executable
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
COPY mvnw .
COPY .mvn .mvn
COPY ./src ./src
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "mvnw"]
# building fat jar
RUN ./mvnw package -DskipTests
# extracting fat jar
RUN mkdir -p target/dependency && (cd target/dependency; jar -xf ../*.jar)
# Stage 2
FROM openjdk:14-jdk-slim
# adding user spring to group spring
RUN addgroup --system spring && adduser --system spring --ingroup spring
# setting app user to spring
USER spring
# creating different layers
ARG DEPENDENCY=target/dependency
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/lib /app/lib
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/META-INF /app/META-INF
COPY --from=builder ${DEPENDENCY}/BOOT-INF/classes /app
# setting entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app:app/lib/*","com.ringodev.stocks.StocksApplication"]
building docker image:
to mount the data so java-spring can access it and insert into db add
-v /path-to-data-on-host/:/home/data/
docker run --name spring1 \
--link mysql1 \
-d \
-v /home/data/:/home/data/ \
-e MYSQL_HOST=mysql1 \
-d \
Write CommandLineRunner to insert Data into DB
Insert some stockData into DB
Decide on the Specs for the instance
- Spring Boot + Security + Docker = 200 - 300 RAM according to stackoverflow
- MySql 500MB
- 2 GB RAM Instance will suffice for my needs right now, could also separate MySQL and Spring Instance
- Separate DB and App Instances
setup ssl/tls to enable https
Install Docker
Install MySQL DockerImage
Install Spring-Boot DockerImage
- Set Memory constraints
give Spring Boot access to Stock .csv files -> stackoverflow
Populate MySQL Table
Install Jenkins
set up Watchtower to pull Docker Images
Configure CI pipeline: local Development -> Github -> Linode Instance