Compare the following:
doSomething() {
const processedFoo = => foo ===;
doSomething() {
const { foo, bar, baz, onChange } = this.props;
const processedFoo = foo.filter(foo => foo === bar);
The statement in which props are destructured, when placed at the start of the method, basically acts as a second function signature.
React component props are basically instance variables, and instance variables that are used in a class method are basically arguments to that method. The purpose of a function signature is to give a quick overview of a function's dependencies. By destructuring props at the start of a method, the glance value of the method is dramatically increased -- it becomes immediately clear which props are used in the course of the function. This is extremely beneficial in refactoring.
Also, more of a personal opinion, but I think the latter reads much clearer.
Glance value of functions are important to allow quick grokking of code. Try to adhere to the following standards:
- returns some computed value
- returns some JSX
- class method to be passed to child as event handler
- prop that expects to receive an event handler
- thunks that handle network requests
may seem roughly equal in terms of brevity, but the latter makes it explicitly clear that the function cannot take arguments. This improves glance value, and reduces the mental workload people have to do when reading code.
getName() { /* return a string */ }
get name() { /* return a string */ }
It is easy to misread getters as class properties. Getter functions should not be expensive, as this can be a hard-to-trace source of bad performance. Alternatively, cache them with something like lodash