Note: There is a repository with a newer version of a sound volume dependant on/off switcher (see below)
ESP32 I2S VU Meter Example: 'Esp32_I2S_SPH0645_Microphone_Volume'
Used Board: Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board (-
Gets the volume of surrounding noise using Adafruit I2S Microphone (SPH0645)
This example is based on the code of:
the "VU Meter Demo" Example in the Adafruit I2S MEMS Breakout board tutorial (
Since I had some problems getting reasonable volume readings with the code of maspetsberger I included some tricks to make the SPH0645 work properly on the ESP32 which are explained in this link
and this video
For the implementation of my sound volume dependant on/off switcher I integrated additional support for the INMP441 microphone and ended with this driver:
This driver should be used in future applications