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*  A red letter day- a crucial day
*  Button’s one lip- to keep quite
*  Cast in the same mould- to be very identical
*  Donkey work- hard work, boring work. 
*  Entering the 80th orbit- celebrating the 80th birthday anniversary
*  Feel the pinch- financial problem.
*  Get a raw deal- not treated similarly 
*  Himalayan blunder- a big mistake
*  In the doghouse- Unpopular at the moment.
*  Jack Frost - everything has frozen in winter.
*  Kangaroo court- when individuals take the law into their own hands
*  Let the cat out of the bag- reveal the secret
*  Monkey around-wastage of time here and there
*  Never-never land- ideal place.
*  Once in a blue moon- rarely
*  Paper over the cracks- hide something
*  Queer fish- A strange person
*  Rain on your parade- If someone ruin your plans 
*  Snake in the grass- hidden soldiers
*  To blow a fuse- someone angry
*  Upset the apple cart- create difficulties
*  Virgin territory - it hasn't been explored before. 
*  Walking on broken glass- punished for something
*  X-rated - it is not suitable for children.
*  Yellow-bellied - person is a coward.
*  Zip it - to be quiet.

                LIST OF VOCABULARY

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 1 : People 

* Adolescent - teenager 
* Characteristic typical feature 
* Individual - person 
* Reliable - can be trusted 
* Conscious - aware
* Sibling - brothrr or sister
* Responsibility - duty
* Resemble - look like 
* Bond - close tie or link 
* Inherent - natural or instinctive 
* Self-esteem - belief in yourself 
* Stereotypical - having typical qualities
* Fallible - able to make mistakes and be wrong 
* Sociable - friendly or seeking company 
* Tendency - recurring action or behavior 
* Gender - sex ( male or female )
* Lifetime - period of time you're alive 
* Empathize - understand someone's feelings
* Hardwired - automatic behavior 
* Habitually -usually or repeatedly 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 2 : Health & Fitness

* Allergic - react badly to 
* Harmful - unsafe 
* Appetite - desire for food 
* Lifestyle - the way you live 
* Ingredients - contents of food 
* Recovery - getting better ( from illness) 
* Hunger - need for food 
* Treatment - medical care 
* Nutritious - full of Vitamins
* Suffer - feel pain 
* Sedentary - sitting a lot or inactive 
* Psychological - mental 
* Beneficial - helpful or positive 
* Detrimental - harmful or negative 
* Intake - amount you take in 
* Eradicate - get rid of or eliminate or wipe out 
* Well-being - health and happiness 
* Severity - how serious something is 
* Preventive - deterrent 
* Additives - chemicals added to food 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 3 : Science 

* Elementary - basic 
* Combine - mix together
* Analyze - examine in detail 
* Exposure - in contact with 
* Detergent - soap 
* Side effects - unwanted reaction 
* Basis - the principal idea
* Toxic - poisonous 
* Fertilizer - plant food 
* Contaminated - polluted 
* Ascertain - make sure or establish 
* Breakthrough - important new discovery 
* Release - allow to escape (gas ) or give off 
* Accumulate - collect over time, gather or build up 
* Absorb - take in or soak up (liquid or gas)
* Synthetic - man made or artificial 
* Potential - ability or capability 
* Advances - progress or developments 
* Precise - exact or accurate 
* Quantify - count or measure 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 4 : Community 

* Antisocial - against society

* Conform - follow the rules 
* Cooperate - work together
* Mindset - attitude
* Minority - small percentage 
* Shun - avoid 
* Conventional - traditional 
* Interaction - communication 
* Pressure - stress 
* Conduct - behavior 
* Considerate - kind and helpful or thoughtful 
* Mainstream - common or average (ideas)
* Civilization - culturally advance human society 
* Supportive - helpful and encouraging 
* Appropriate - suitable 
* Engage - join in  or get involved 
* Voluntary - done willingly or without payment 
* Charitable - helping the poor or needy 
* Foster - help something grow (attitude or idea)
* Multicultural - having many different cultures 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 5 : Study 

* Theoretical - academic or not proven 
* Educational - academic / educative
* Acquire - gain or get 
* Compulsory - must be done 
* Valid - reasonable
* Determine - discover or find out 
* Establish - prove 
* Significant - important 
* Review - check or go over 
* Concentrate - think very hard 
* Specialize - concentrate on one subject 
* Profound - deep or intense (effect or feeling)
* Cognitive - connected to thinking or mental 
* Curiosity - desire to know or find out /interest 
* Achievement - reaching a goal or success 
* Failure - lack of success or collapse 
* Determination - trying hard or not giving up 
* Miscalculation - bad judgement or calculation 
* Collaborate - work together with 
* Methodical - in a careful or ordered way 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 6 : Advertising 

* Persuade - get to agree
* Convinced - assure
* Unavoidable - certain to happen
* Commercialized - focused on profit
* Effective - achieving its aims 
* Ploy - trick or gimmick 
* Visualize - mentally picture 
* Intrusive - not welcome
* Promote - advertise
* Exaggerate - magnify the truth 
* Ignore - pay no attention 
* Endorse - recommend a product or brand 
* Guarantee - promise that S will happen 
* Gullible - easily tricked or too trusting 
* Prominent - noticeable / stand out 
* Pressure - forcefully persuade compel 
* Incorporate - use / include /  contain 
* Entice - persuade by offering something / tempt 
* Bombard - attack continuously / pester 
* Inescapable - cannot be avoided/ unavoidable 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 7 : Travel & Places 

* Memorable - unforgettable 
* Inhabitants - people living in a place 
* Custom - local tradition 
* Attract - act like a magnet 
* Remote - distant/ far away 
* Spectacular - amazing 
* Landscape  - large area of countryside 
* Outweigh - be more important than
* Basic - simple/ not luxurious 
* Barren - without plants 
* Caution - avoiding risks / wary 
* Wander - walk without aim / stroll / roam 
* Adventurous - willing to try new thing  
* Spontaneous - act without planning / unplanned 
* Unspoiled - beautiful or undamaged (place)
* Wilderness - land not used 
* Paradise - a perfect place 
* Leisurely - in a relaxed way / not rushed 
* foreign - strange or unfamiliar 
* Rival - be good as something else

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 8 : Government 

* Blame - accuse 
* Childcare  - care for children 
* Govern - control a place 
* Provide - give/ make/ available 
* Regulation - official rule 
* Depend - need help support
* Entitlement - right or privilege 
* Healthcare - care for the sick
* Oppose - be against
* Assistance - help / aid 
* Guideline - official advice / rules
* Consensus - general agreement / unity
* Instill - put and idea or feeling in something mind 
* Taxpayer - person paying tax / ordinary citizens 
* Corrupt - dishonest / abusing their power 
* Expenditure - total amount a government spends 
* Resolve - firmly decide / undertake 
* Authority - legal power / right 
* Instability - lack of stability or uncertainty 
* Bureaucracy - admin system / official procedure 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 9 : Animals

* Endangered - dying out 
* Venomous - poisonous 
* Domesticates - tame / not wild 
* Thrive - grow/ be successful
* Predator - animals that hunt another
* Vulnerable - easily hurt 
* Nocturnal - active at night
* Dwindle - become smaller or fewer 
* habitat - A natural environment  
* Prey - hunt 
* Survival - continuing to live or exit 
* Co-exist - live in the same time or place 
* Abandon - leave permanently / desert
* Captivity - the state of being locked up 
* Cruelty - behavior that causes pain 
* Sanctuary - safe or protected place 
* Defense - reaction to attack / self-protection 
* Conservation - protecting them 
* Colony - a group of people sent out by a state to a new territory
* Creature - living thing

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 10 : Space 

* Explode - break up violently 
* Explore - search for a new area
* Risky - dangerous
* Debris - large broken pieces of satellite or space craft
* Frightening - makes you afraid 
* Infinite - without end 
* Acclimatize - adjust / adapt / get used to 
* Fascinating - extremely interesting
* surface - top layer 
* Astronauts - working in space
* Collide - crash into / strike 
* Universal - worldwide / existing everywhere
* Misuse - bad usage of something 
* Boost - added power / increase
* Hollow - empty inside 
* Prolonged - length / over a long time 
* Rotation - spinning / turning 
* Fragile - easily broken / delicate 
* Vertical - pointing going up
* Transmit - send out (a signal)

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 11 : Technology & Computer 

* Virtual - not real
* Digital - computerized 
* Embrace - accept eagerly 
* Online - via the internet 
* Addicted - obsessed 
* Secure - safe 
* Cutting-edge - the very latest 
* Cyber-bullying - attacking online 
* Technological - relate to tech 
* Dated - old-fashioned 
* Appliances - domestic machine 
* Creativity - imagination / ingenuity
* Surpass - beat / outperform / do or be better than 
* Run-down - neglected / in a bad condition 
* Hardware - the physical parts of computer 
* upgrade - improve the quality 
* Innovative - inventive / a new use of something 
* Computerized - run or controller by computer 
* Devise - come up with / invent 
* Equipped - have ( a tool ) included or attached 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 12 : Fashion

* Consumer - user of goods
* Passing - short-lived
* Trendy - fashionable
* Lasting - long-term
* Impulsive - acts without thinking 
* Consumerism - buying and owning goods 
* Purchase - something bought 
* Impractical - unsuitable for a situation 
* Discard - through away 
* Mass-produced - made on large scale 
* Ethical - morally right 
* Emerge - appear / arise 
* Disposable - intended to be thrown away 
* Second-hand - used / not new 
* Possessions - things you own / belongings
* Donate - give money or goods to charity
* Individual - what makes you different or unique 
* Impulse - sudden urge or desire 
* Manufacturer - company making goods / producer 
* Material - physical / related to possessions 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 13 : City 

* Inadequate - not good enough 
* Transportation - means of travel 
* Pedestrian - person walking 
* Commute - journey to work
* Pavement - service in an area 
* Overpopulated - having too many people 
* Slums - poor quality housing 
* Infrastructure - service in an area
* Outskirts - edge of the city 
* Isolated - alone / separate 
* Imbalance - inequality / lack of balance 
* Overwhelmed - unable to cope / strongly affected
* Shortage - lack / not enough of 
* Affluent - rich / wealthy / prosperous 
* Deprived - poor / disadvantaged
* Congested - having too much traffic
* Sanitation - system to remove dirty water or waste 
* Homelessness - the issue of people having no home 
* Poverty - the condition of being poor 
* Amenities - facilities / conveniences 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 14 : Environment 

* Agricultural - agarian
* Cultivate - make something grow 
* Disaster - terrible event or accident 
* Erosion - loss of soil 
* Environmental - circumambient
* Logging - cutting down trees
* Vital - very important 
* Irrigation - watering system 
* Impact - effect
* Pesticide - insect killer 
* Urgent - pressing / needing quick attention 
* Pollutant - a substance that pollutes 
* Ecosystem - all living thing in an area 
* Vegetation - plants and  tree in an area
* Unprecedented - never seen before / unheard-of 
* Intervene - step in  / become involved 
* Hazardous - dangerous to health or safety 
* Degrade - become spoiled or lower in quality
* Safeguard - keep safe / protect 
* Deforestation - removal of tree / logging 

☻ Vocabulary for IELTS Topic 15 : Energy 

* Generate - produce 
* Alternative - not traditional 
* Harness - capture and use 
* Mining - digging up coal etc. 
* Renewable - can be made again 
* Sustainable - will not run out 
* Maximize - make the most of 
* Consumption - use / utilization 
* Curb - limit the use of 
* Emission - gases released 
* Abundant - in large quantities / plentiful 
* Regulate - control something with rules 
* Scarce - not easy to find / rare 
* Supply - give or provide a supply 
* Unsustainable - using more than can be replaced 
* Squander - waste (money , supplies or opportunity)
* Exploit - take advantage or make the most of
* Bio-fuels - fuel made from a waste material (agricultural waste)
* Achievable - realistic / attainable 
* Finite - limited / have end 

                    GAP FILL RULE

◯ Subject হিসেবে noun বসে।
◯ object হিসেবে noun বসে।
◯ preposition এর পরে noun বসে।
◯ Article এর পরে noun হয়।                  
       ▢ The এর পরে gap হলে যে কোন কিছু বসতে পারে।
       ▢ ------------ থাকলে আর article না থাকলে plural বা Uncountable noun বসে।

◯ Subject singular তো verb singular.
◯ To be verb এর পরে adjective হয়। ( am,is, are,was,were)
◯ Many, some,several,various
◯ adjective এর পরে noun হয়।
◯ verb এর পরে adjective হয়।
◯ Adverb এর পরে verb হয়।( adv --> ly যুক্ত)
◯ have verb এর পরে noun হয়। (Have,has,had)
◯ Adverb এর পরে verb বসে।
◯ something এর পরে adjective বসে।
◯ no এর পরে noun বসে।
◯ not এর পরে adjective বসে।
◯ of এর আগে পরে noun বসে।
◯ "Many, some,several,various" --> Concrete Nouns ---> plural
◯  আশেপাশে তাকান।
◯ "ONE WORD ONLY" হলে maximum সব answer noun হবে sometimes ans will be adjective ।

                    UNCOUNTABLE NOUN 

* accommodation - House
* advertising - Ad
* air - 
* aid - help
* advice - lesson
* anger - nagging
* art - craft
* assistance - help
* bread - Tommy
* business - Occupation
* butter - 
* calm - Quiet
* cash - money
* chaos - Disorder
* cheese - 
* childhood - Babyhood , infancy
* clothing - Wearing
* coffee - 
* content - Quantity , Amount
* corruption - Rot
* courage - Bravery
* currency - Coin , Money
* damage - Injury
* danger - Risk
* darkness - Gloom
* data - datum
* determination - wish , Desire
* economics - financial
* education - Lesson
* electricity - 
* employment - job , work
* energy - Force , power
* entertainment -  Amusment
* enthusiasm - effort
* equipment - ingrediant
* evidence - proof
* failure - fizzle
* fame - reputation
* fire - Burning
* flour - corn flour
* food - 
* freedom - independence
* friendship - alliance
* fuel - 
* furniture - 
* fun - 
* genetics - 
* gold - 
* grammar - 
* guilt - weak side    
* harm - damage
* health - wellness
* heat - temperature
* help - support
* homework - 
* honesty - cordiality
* hospitality - 
* housework - 
* humour - temper
* imagination - 
* importance -gravity
* information - fact,intelligence
* innocence - frankness
* intelligence
* jealousy - envy
* juice - date juice
* justice - equity
* kindness - greatness , nobility
* knowledge - wisdom , sense
* labour - work
* lack - absence
* laughter - hehaw
* leisure - vacation
* literature - lore
* litter
* logic - 
* love - 
* luck - 
* magic - 
* management - regulation
* metal - 
* milk - 
* money - 
* motherhood - mataernity
* motivation - 
* music - 
* nature - 
* news - 
* nutrition - food...
* obesity - fateness
* oil - 
* old (age) - 
* oxygen - 
* paper - 
* patience - 
* permission - 
* pollution - 
* poverty - 
* power - 
* pride - Vanity
* production - produce
* progress - growth
* pronunciation - accentuation
* publicity - Disclosure
* punctuation - 
* quality - attribute
* quantity - amount
* racism - 
* rain - 
* relaxation - 
* research - exploration , Assay
* respect - 
* rice - 
* room - 
* rubbish - Garbage , Junk , Trash
* safety - Security , Indemnity
* salt - 
* sand - 
* seafood - 
* shopping - 
* silence - 
* sleep - 
* smoke - 
* snow - Frost
* software - 
* soup - bouillon
* speed - 
* spelling - orthography
* sport - 
* strength - Potency
* stress - tension
* success - 
* sugar - 
* sunshine - 
* tea - 
* tennis - 
* time - 
* tolerance - abidance
* trade - Commerce
* traffic - 
* transportation - Conduction
* travel - 
* trust - 
* understanding - 
* unemployment - 
* usage - 
* violence - ferocity
* vision - 
* warmth - 
* water - 
* wealth - 
* weather - 
* weight - 
* welfare - 
* wheat - গম
* width - 
* wildlife - 
* wisdom - Knowledge
* wood - 
* work - 
* yoga - handstand
* youth - 

                TRUE, FALSE , NOT GIVEN

⚬ এটা sequence maintain করে।
⚬ ৩ টা হলে ১টা true, ১ টা, ১ টা।
⚬ ৫ টা হলে ৩ টা কখনো একই হবেনা ।
⚬ ৬ টা হলে ৩ টা এক হবে।
⚬ ১ নং প্রশ্ন প্রথম প্যারাতে না পেলে not Given.
⚬ aux verb এর পরে gap থাকলে passage এর aux verb এর পরের word টাই answer.
⚬ তথ্য খুঁজে পেলেও true না পেলেও true.
⚬ মানুষের বিশ্বাস জাতীয় কথা থাকলেই False.
⚬ More / most থাকলেই Not Given.
⚬ False এর তথ্য সহজেই পাওয়া যাবে তবে মূল বিষয় ভিন্ন থাকবে।
⚬ Not given এর তথ্য কিছু অংশ থাকবে আর কিছু অংশ থাকবে না।


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