This is a flask server that provides a simple web UI to control Bowie's functions.
- Flask
- AngularJS
- AngularMaterial
This UI simply provides buttons and a switch for binary functions, a joystick for driving and a video area that contains a still image for now. The serial communication needs more work, but packets should be sent properly. Incomming serial data is not handled yet.
The intended platform is running on a Raspbery Pi 3 w/ Raspbian Stretch.
Boot raspbian, run pisetup and enable ssh and camera, save, reboot. After it reboots, configure wifi, then start a terminal and install the console.
$ sudo -s
$ git clone
$ cd PyBowieConsole
$ python3 install
to run the server
The config directory contains interfaces.adhoc. To switch from configured WiFi, run these commands:
$ cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak
$ cp config/interfaces.adhoc /etc/network/interfaces
$ service networking restart
Now, you'll have to put a machine on the same subnet, like IP:, Subnet: and you should be able to ssh to pi@