Unofficial implemention of "Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos" CVPR2018
The feature extractor is here:
we have released I3D features of UCF-Crime, which can be downloaded from:
where we oversample each video frame with the “10-crop” augment, “10-crop” means cropping images into the center, four corners, and their mirrored counterparts. _0.npy is the center, _1~ _4.npy is the corners, and _5 ~ _9 is the mirrored counterparts.
To achieve better performance, we suggest use I3D features rather than C3D features.
How to train
- download or extract the features.
- use in the list folder to generate the training and test list.
- change the parameters in
- run
How to test
run and the model is in the ckpt folder.
We also released a audio-visual violence dataset named XD-Violence (ECCV2020), the project website is here: . We have released the I3D and VGGish features of our dataset as well as the code.
In order to make training process faster, we suggest use the following code to replace original code in [Line 34]
n_iter = iter(nloader)
a_iter = iter(aloader)
for i in range(30): # 800/batch_size
ninput = next(n_iter)
ainput = next(a_iter)
Thanks for your attention!