This was a group project that my friends and I built for a hackathon organized at our college. This repository is a modified copy of the submission that was made.
Teammates: @Kxitij, @SuryaCodez
Students at Ramaiah Institute of Technology lack a platform for connecting with peers who share similar interests and forming communities. Another problem faced by students is unfamiliarity with affordable dining options. A solution is needed to provide students with an easy and accessible way to find and join communities of like-minded individuals and to navigate good food options.
- We can add more communities.
- We also plan on adding an accomodations category so that students can have a seamless experience in looking for places to stay with roommates of their choice where people can list out their flats or PGs.
- In the Community Blogs we plan on adding a "post" option where the community admins can post the activities conducted within their community and specify criiteria for joining, if any.