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Chatty AI GSoC 2024


The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 project "Chatty AI" is contributed by Rohan Kumar Singh with Red Hen Lab.

To get the insight into the work being done or already implemented, read my weekly blog or mail me at for any queries.

Table of Contents


Follow the instructions to setup environment.

Modules to load on CWRU HPC:

  • Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0
# Cloning the repository
git clone
cd ChattyAI

# [Optional] Creating virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Download dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Setup Huggingface API key
touch .env
# Enter your Huggingface API key in ".env" like this:



This is a terminal application built for CWRU HPC to assist researchers, educators, and students in the fields of Construction Grammar and FrameNet. Users can use this as a tool to tinker with frames and ask several queries related to it.


  1. Basic installation mentioned in Installation.
  2. Setup FrameNet dataset.
    • Copy the FrameNet dataset folder frame/ to the work directory.
    • Create JSON-format FrameNet dataset folder frame_and_papers/ using FrameNet XML Parser.
    • Paste the research papers available in FrameNet dataset folder into frame_and_papers/.
    • Combine all indiviual FrameNet files into a single JSON frame file.
    • Transform all the PDF research paper into JSON files using
  3. Request an interactive job on the GPU node of CWRU HPC.


The program can be run using

# Change Directory to tui (Terminal user interface)
cd tui

# Execute the python application

Key Bindings

When in Frame Blender interface:

  • Tab: Switch focus between Input and Output windows
  • Enter: To add newline
  • Ctrl+g: To reset long context
  • Arrow Keys: Left/Right in Input Window and Up/Down in Output Window
  • Ctrl+a: To annotate a sentence prompt
  • Ctrl+t: To toggle between Short and Long context modes
  • Ctrl+r: To send the input
  • Ctrl+f: To get the frame details prompt
  • Ctrl+e: To exit the application
  • Ctrl+c: (Only applicable when query in process) to terminate the application

Frame Annotation Evaluation

This evaluation aims to assess the performance of LLaMA 3 and LLaMA 3.1 8B Instruct models under RAW settings and with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applied. The bench-fn_data.pkl file contains examples from the full-text annotation dataset of UC Berkeley, which are used in this evaluation. The Python scripts for evaluating these annotated examples can be found in the evaluation_bench_anno directory.

#Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

# RAW Llama 3 8B Instruct

# RAW Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

# RAG Llama 3 8B Instruct

# RAG Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

#leaving virtual environment

The evaluation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Random Selection of an Example:
    The Python script randomly selects an example from the bench-fn_data.pkl file.

  2. Annotated JSON Generation:
    The selected example is annotated using the Large Language Model (LLM).

  3. Scoring with a Custom Metric:
    The generated annotated JSON object is compared against the true annotation using a custom metric function to evaluate the model's performance.

  4. Output:
    For each evaluated example, the script prints the following:

    • The prompt used for generating the annotation.
    • The generated annotation by the LLM.
    • The true annotation from the dataset.
    • The scores calculated based on the custom metric.

Fulltext Annotation Parser


This code is capable of converting the original Fulltext annotated corpus of FrameNet data in XML format to JSON format. A single sentence is annotated into various layers such as part of speech, named entity recognition, white space layer (word sense disambiguation), FrameNet layer and others (Other, Sent, Verb). The most significant layers for our purpose are FrameNet and Named Entity Recognition. It is similar to FrameNet XML Parser.


#Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

#Pass XML annotated file path as argument
python3 ANC__110CYL068.xml

#leaving virtual environment


from fulltext_anno_pipeline import full_text_anno_parser

# Example of parsing a directory of .xml files
path = "ANC__110CYL068.xml" #or any other xml annotated file path

#initializing output JSON

#sample addition for description
res_dict['0']={"sample sentence":{"sample layer":[['start','end','label name','highlighted string','frame name(if frame layer)','lexical unit(if frame layer)']]}}

for i in full_text_anno_parser(path):

FrameNet XML Parser


This code transforms the original FrameNet data in XML format to JSON format, extracting only important information for frame analysis. This whole parser is available to use as a pipeline in command line interface which also generates some prompt response pairs related to frame analysis based on the frame passed as an argument.


#Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

#Pass XML Frame file path as argument
python3 Exercising.xml

#leaving virtual environment


from xml_pipeline import xml_parser

# Example of parsing a directory of .xml files
path = "Exercising.xml" #or any other xml frame file path

output_json = xml_parser(path)

RAG for Llama3 Instruct


This code utilizes Llama3-8B-Instruct-chat locally on CWRU HPC, and achieves Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) leveraging Llama-index and performs multi-turn conversation. Specifically, a parser is used to read all the JSON-format FrameNet frame data and a collection of research papers on Construction Grammar (CxG) and FrameNet, and create a query engine with vector store index for querying. Feel free to explore the codebase.

Requires: A GPU node, Llama3 model locally and a directory of frame_and_papers containing JSON format frames and related papers.


#Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate

#Embedding model cache
mkdir embed_model

#Initiating conversation with Llama3

>> Enter the prompt: ...
>> Response : ...


#leaving virtual environment

Downloading Llama3 Instruct

Referring to Llama3's Github Repository. A very helpful guide on Llama3 by Meta.

  1. Create a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate   # enter the virtual environment
  1. Download dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the model

Request download access to Llama 3 here

git clone
cd llama3
./ # requires the pre-signed URL from Meta License
  1. Convert the model weights to run with Hugging Face
# in the llama/ directory
# convert llama weights to huggingface format to make it compatible with HF class
TRANSFORM=`python -c "import transformers;print('/'.join(transformers.__file__.split('/')[:-1])+'/models/llama/')"`
pip install protobuf && python $TRANSFORM --input_dir ${path_to_meta_downloaded_model} --output_dir ${path_to_save_converted_hf_model} --model_size 8B --llama_version 3
  1. Write Python scripts and run the model