- You can copy, paste and run the following zig code to view a spinning donut:
const std=@import
("std");pub fn main()void{
var A: f32=0 ;var B :f32 =0;var i:
f32 =undefined;var j: f32 = undefined;var
k:i32 =undefined;var z:[1760]f32=undefined;var
);while(true){@memset(&z,0);@memset(&b,32); j=0;while
(j<6.28):(j+=0.07){i=0;while(i < 6.28) : (i+=0.02){const
c: f32 = std.math.sin(i);const d:f32=std.math.cos(j);const
e:f32=std.math.sin(A); const f: f32=std.math.
sin(j);const g: f32= std.math.cos(A);const
h:f32 = d+2;const D: f32=1/(c * h*e + f*g
+ 5);const l:f32=std. math.cos(i) ;const
m:f32= std.math.cos( B);const n:f32=std
.math.sin(B) ; const t:f32=((c * h)*g)-(
f * e);const x : i32 =@intFromFloat(40+30
* D*(l*h*m-t*n));const y: i32=@intFromFloat(
12 + 15*D*(l * h * n + t * m)) ; const o : i32
=x+80*y;const N:i32=@intFromFloat(8*((f*e-c*d*g)*m-c*d * e
- f*g-l*d*n));const O=@as(u32 ,@intCast(o)); if(22>y and
y>0 and x>0 and 80 > x and D>z[O]){z[O]=D;if(N>0){b[O]=
".,-~:;=!*#$@" [@as(u32, @intCast( N))];} else{b[O] =
".,-~:;=!*#$@"[0];} }}}std.debug.print("\x1b[H",.{}
.debug.print( "{c}", .{b[@as(u32, @intCast(k))
+= 4.0e-5;B+=2.0e-5;}std.time.
sleep(30000000) ;}}