Tranusy is a numeric base converter application built using C++/CLI. It allows users to convert numbers from one base to another with the steps shown. Tranusy also offers multiple conversions, which makes the work more efficient.
- Simple conversion from the one system to another.
- Multiple conversion from the ones system to another.
- Option to show conversion steps for better understanding.
- Save the spets convertion in fiel
- Import a file with the numbers
- Info window
Input as this pattern: number [from] [to]
You will get the result as: result [to]
Example of input:
101101 [2] [10]
-14201 [5] [24]
AB04D.5F [16] [3]
Tranusy's using base type of data as integer {From −9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807} and doubel {1.7E +/- 308 (15 characters)}.
Thus Tranusy can't convert the very huge numbers yet.