In this project, I implemented my version of Ruby’s enumerable methods. I created a script file and added the new methods into the existing Enumerable module. The project requirements are here.
- Ruby 2.6.5p114,
- Visual Studio Code 1.43.2,
- Rubocop,
- Git
These are the cloned methods:
- each,
- each_with_index,
- select,
- all?,
- any?,
- none?,
- count,
- map,
- inject
Also, as additional features:
- multiply_els method to test my_inject,
- Changed my_map method to take either a proc or a block.
To execute the test perform the following command in your terminal.
rspec spec/main_spec.rb -fdoc #it will provide you well-organized output on your terminal
- OS: MacOS, Ubuntu or a Virtual Machine,
- Code editor,
- Ruby
Here is a helpful link to The Odin Project with instructions on how to install Ruby Language.
👤 Rossiel Carranza
- Github: @RossielCS
- Linkedin: Rossiel Carranza
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.