Movies on Mood is a Movie Recommendation website which has a categorization of movies based on Mood. The project was built as a part of a Mini Project in the First Year of Engineering.
On viewing a particular Movie, it guides you to trailers, information, reviews, snapshots of a particular movie and also the platform on which it is available. The project doesnt use much of any API call or something complex, since it just was to showcase a basic understanding of PHP and SQL.
The website contains a Search Bar for searching any movie. It uses a concept similar to Fuzzy Search to search any movie.
The repository conntains all the necessary code for the wesbite. XAMPP server would be needed to run the website. The entire code folder is to be placed in the htdocs folder 📁
Apologies for the naming convention of the files and not much significant work in the project. First Year did not do me good 😅