This repository contains the implementation of the meta-learning model described in the paper "Structured Prediction for Conditional Meta-Learning". It will be presented at NeurIPS 2020.
The paper learns a task-conditional meta-parameters using structured prediction, which considers the meta-parameters as structured output.
The code uses the same pre-trained embedding as provided in Google's LEO paper.
To run the code, you first need to need to install:
- TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability (we used version 1.13),
- Sonnet (we used version v1.29), and
- Abseil (we use only the FLAGS module).
The code looks for the extracted embedding directory at ~/workspace/data/embeddings
by default. This could be changed in
Then, clone this repository using:
$ git clone
Step 1: to construct a meta-train set of fixed size and compute the task similarity matrix, run
$ python gen_db
Step 2 (optional): To train an unconditional meta-learning model for warm-starting structured prediction, run
$ python uncon_meta
To run structured prediction on 100 targets tasks, given a fixed size meta-train set (Step 1) with warmstart (Step 2), run
$ python sp
This will train the model for solving 5-way 1-shot miniImageNet classification.