这是"Rust编程语言(The Rust Programming Language)"的下一次迭代版本,位于当前Rust的主仓库中。 如果你想读本书,你可以直接在这里或者是去官网查看。
如果你想看当前这个版本,可以打开GitHub pages.
构建本书需要用到 mdBook:
$ cargo install mdbook
$ make
$ firefox book/index.html
$ make test
$ make all
I’m not going to be accepting major changes at first, but pull requests to fix
typos and such are welcome. Please file any issues for any bugs you find, and
utilize the issue tagged with Discussion
to raise any larger questions /
This repository is under the same license as Rust itself, MIT/Apache2.
There are a number of labels on Issues:
issues are for discussing the chapters. There’s an issue per section.Bug
issues indicate problems in the text.Needs Backport
will be used when we are further along. At some point, we will import the text into their review system, and so changes made here will need to be upstreamed. This will track those.
Finally, there’s the S-
labels, which are for various ‘status’es:
: Steve has not done any work here yet.S-rough-draft
: Steve has worked up a rough draft of what this section will look like.S-under-review
: Aaron and Steve are in the process of reviewing this section.S-done
: imported into No Starch’s system. There may still be changes based on their feedback, even after a section is markedS-done