Shiro is a server-side implementation of the osu! cho protocol. It delivers unmatched performance and features an accurate implementation of the protocol.
It outperforms Ripple, Gigamons and even Bancho itself. In terms of implementation accuracy, Shiro's implementation is more accurate than both of Ripple and Gigamons.
Shiro also does not separate Bancho and the Score Submission server.
With upcoming osu!lazer I'm will trying to recreate as many things as possible for me and my schedule
Screenshot server might appear later, but definitely not now
Current list of features that I'm want to implement:
reports ingame
beatmap rating system
2fa system
clan system (something like it's made on gatari?)
anticheat (at least hwid and ip logger, also might be circleguard)
redis communication
And current list of features that I'm want to recreate:
multiplayer -> from single pool to single pool and pointer to handle for every user
thread pool -> find more ways to use it
Shiro handles all major aspects of a fully functioning osu! server, which includes:
- Client login
- IRC-less chat & chat bot
- Leaderboards (Classic and Relax)
- Multiplayer (Even !mp commands!)
- Online user listing with their presence
- osu!direct (Supports Beatconnect, Cheesegull, Hanaru and mirrors)
- osu!tourney
- Rankings
- Replays
- Score submission
- Spectating
Documentation such as installation and usage of Shiro
are available on the Wiki.
There are also FAQ's here
Shiro is available as ready-to-use Docker container, including its modules. Please visit the Wiki for more information on how to use the container.
We welcome all contributions to Shiro and its modules.
If you have found a issue with Shiro, feel free to open a issue describing the issue in detail and how it occurred.
Code and documentation contributions can be made using Pull requests. Please make sure you conform to the general coding style of Shiro.
Shiro is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0. Please visit the LICENSE.txt file for the license and a summary of DOs & DON'Ts.
Third party libraries in the src/thirdparty
may be
licensed under a different, but AGPL-3.0 compatible
license. Please visit the corresponding files and their
associated license for more information.
The branding osu!
and ppy
are protected by
trademark law. Fair use applies.