A minimal LLVM builder. Basically the same code as the Haskell Kaleidoscope tutorial uses but without going through a frontend AST.
If you want to roll a custom LLVM compiler backend this might be a good starting point for the backend.
Check that your installed LLVM version is precisely 5.0.
$ llvm-config --version
To build using stack:
$ stack build
$ stack exec main
To build using cabal:
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal build
To run:
$ cabal run
Preprocessing executable 'standalone' for tutorial-
; ModuleID = 'my cool jit'
define double @main() {
ret double 3.000000e+01
Evaluated to: 30.0
Code is split across
The main program will use the embedded LLVM Monad to define a small program which will add two constants together.
initModule :: AST.Module
initModule = emptyModule "my cool jit"
logic :: LLVM ()
logic = do
define double "main" [] $ \ptrToMain -> do
let a = cons $ C.Float (F.Double 10)
let b = cons $ C.Float (F.Double 20)
res <- fadd a b
ret res
main :: IO (AST.Module)
main = do
let ast = runLLVM initModule logic
runJIT ast
return ast
This will generate and JIT compile into the following IR and use the LLVM execution engine to JIT it to machine code.
; ModuleID = 'my cool jit'
define double @main() {
%1 = fadd double 1.000000e+01, 2.000000e+01
ret double %1