Hey there, I am Sachin!👋
As an undergraduate student at MNIT studying Computer Science, I am constantly drawn to the fascinating world of cyber security. From network security to low-level systems, I am endlessly captivated by the challenges and opportunities presented by this field.
To further hone my skills and stay current with the latest techniques and technologies, I regularly participate in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges. In addition to CTFs, I have a particular interest in web exploitation, kernel pwns, and occasionally hypervisors.
I believe that by constantly learning and pushing myself to new heights, I can make a positive impact on the world of cyber security. Whether it's through finding vulnerabilities in systems or building more secure systems, I am always looking for ways to make a difference and contribute to the field.
When I'm not busy with coursework or CTFs, you can find me blogging about my interests in the information security space at https://s4ch.github.io/.